Page 12 of This Woman
She pauses. Looks back. And my cock, the one that usually only responds under the influence, twitches behind my boxers.
It’s alarming. Unsettling.How old is she? I’m frowning to myself again. Actually, how old am I? I haven’t celebrated a birthday since I lost Jake.
“Yes?” she asks, turning to face me.
“Yes, please.” She smiles and my dick very nearly fucking explodes. I work to talk it down as she settles and pulls something from her bag, setting it on the table before her with her phone, shaking her hands subtly as I wander over and sit opposite her. Right now, it’s the best seat in the house, and there are some fucking amazing seats around here. I put the waters on the table and relax as she scribbles notes on a pad. I can’t help but think she’s distracting herself.
“So, where do we start?” I ask, trying to kill the awkward silence that’s fallen. She looks up as I take a swig of water, her eyes falling to my lips. I smile, and she startles, distracting herself once again by pouring some water. I should have done that. Poured her water.What kind of gentleman are you, Ward?
“I guess you should tell me why I’m here.” She braves facing me.
“Oh?” Yes, why is she here? My thoughts are all over the place, and she is dominating them. Just her. Nothing else. No shitty past. No guilt. No shame. No pain. Just her.
“You requested me by name?” she murmurs.
Ah. Interiors. This beautiful specimen is a dab hand at amazing interiors. “Yes.” My smile is natural. Not forced. I just love how she’s struggling to look me in the eye. She keeps taking a timeout, looking away, gathering herself, before facing me again. It’s... fascinating. I know I affect women, but none of them try to hide their attraction. Perhaps, maybe—definitely—because all the women I encounter are members of my fine establishment. Inhibitions are lost. Beating around the bush is just a waste of time, when you could simply spell out your desires and get-fucking-on with it. Which everyone does at The Manor, including me. But this woman... that’s not in her. Boldness isn’t the way forward here.
But it’s all I know.
I feel my forehead wrinkle again.The wayforward to what exactly, Ward?
“So, may I ask why?”
“You may.” I inch forward on the couch and rid my hands of my water, keeping my arse on the edge, my forearms on my knees.
“Okay. Why?” she asks, unsure.
“I’ve heard great things about you.” Is she blushing? It’s cute. And something else I’m not familiar with.
“Thank you. So why am I here?”
“Well, to design.” I laugh to myself, my thoughts filthy. My answer could beverydifferent.
“Design what, exactly? From what I’ve seen, everything is pretty perfect.”
She’s right, but as of now I’d have her redesign the entire place if it meant keeping her here for longer. Just to look at her. Admire her. Feel these odd tingles and be rid of the never-ending cycle of self-annihilation that is my life. “Thank you,” I say. “Do you have your portfolio with you?” I’m dragging this out. I don’t need to see her previous work. I’ve seen everything I need to see at Lusso to know she’s the woman for the job. But, shit, I’m getting far more than I bargained for.
“Of course.” She pulls it from her bag and sets it on the table, and I rise without thought and move to her couch, lowering beside her. She shifts subtly.
“You’re very young to be such an accomplished designer.” I start browsing the file.
“How old are you?” she blurts out, and my hand pauses turning the page. Jesus, and I thoughtmybrain-to-mouth filter was dodgy. Hers is completely knackered. But, God love her, she’s totally exposed her state of mind right now. Confirmed my thoughts. She’s attracted to me.
Yet that question...
It tells me age matters. It tells me she’s wondering. Fuck. How old do I look? My confidence in that department has been dented for the first time in forever. Maybe because I’m on unfamiliar ground with an obviously younger woman.
I start nibbling my lip, thinking. Avoid the question. Simple. I glance up at her. Her face, bless her, is bright red. “Twenty–one,” I say, and she snorts, making my brows rise, part amused, but more insulted.
“Sorry.” She swings her gaze back to the portfolio in my hand, and I start turning the pages again. And I’m smiling when the interior of my new apartment comes into view. “This, I like a lot.”
“I’m not sure my work on Lusso would fit in here.”
I find her eyes.What about you, Ava? Would you fit in here?“You’re right; I’m just saying...I really like it.”
“Thank you.”