Page 24 of Fernhill Lane
“That’s a coincidence, because I don’t either.”
“Oh, my God,whyare all of you so freaking full of hormones?”
We both turn our heads at the sound of June’s voice, and I can’t help but laugh at the look of pure torture on her pretty face.
“I haven’t had enough alcohol for this,” she declares and stomps away, throwing her hands in the air.
“June has issues with PDA.” I shrug and turn to walk away from him. “I’ll go placate her.”
I turn at his voice and see what I’ve wanted to see on his face for what feels like forever.
“This isn’t finished.”
I feel the smile spread slowly over my face. “Definitely not.”
When I return to the pool table, I can see by the humor-filled glances from my friends that June told them what she saw in the hallway.
“Hi.” I try to sound nonchalant as I sit on a stool and pick up my drink. “How’s it going?”
“Not as well as it is for you, apparently,” Apollo says and earns a punch in the shoulder from June. “Hey!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Nothing even happened,” I reply, and June snorts so loud, it wouldn’t surprise me if people two towns over can hear her.
“Right. That’s what I saw.Nothing.Tanner practically eating you alive is nothing.”
“He absolutely wasnotdoing that. Maybe I fell, and he helped me up like a gentleman. Chivalry isn’t dead, you know.”
“Maybe she had something in her eye, and he was helping her get it out,” Luna adds helpfully, and I offer her a high-five.
“Maybe,” June continues, “she wanted to get her face sucked off.”
“Well, that’s a delightful way to put it,” I mutter into my glass.
“Given that she’s a grown adult, it doesn’t matter what she was doing in the hallway,” Tanner says as he joins us and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Nosy Nelly.”
“I amnota Nosy Nelly,” June counters. “I just happen toalwayswalk in on you people when I absolutely donotwant to. Do those things in private.”
“You sound…jealous,” Apollo decides, watching June. “I could help you out with that.”
“When a blizzard blows through hell,” June mutters before checking the time. “I should go home. I have an early start at work in the morning.”
“I’ll drive you,” Apollo offers and pulls his keys out of his pocket.
“No, I’m fine.” June tries to blow him off, but Apollo just shakes his head.
“You may not want to kiss me, but you willnotdrive home after drinking just because you can’t stand the sight of me,” Apollo returns darkly. “Don’t be so damn stubborn, Juniper. Let’s go.”
June’s face hardens, but she follows Apollo out of the restaurant.
“He’d better be careful,” Wolfe says with a grin. “She looks like she wants to murder him in his sleep.”
“When are they going to admit that they’re hot for each other?” I wonder aloud, my head tilted to the side.
“I don’t know why people say that,” Luna says, shaking her head. “June isnothot for my brother.”