Page 32 of Fernhill Lane
“It was probably just random, and now that they see that I don’t have anything worth stealing, they won’t be back.”
I stow away my drill and climb down the ladder.
“I won’t take chances with your safety.” I cup her cheek in my palm and lean in to kiss her forehead. “I should have done all of this before now. There’s an app that you’ll download onto your phone so you can monitor the cameras any time you want to. When you’re at work, or even if you’re in bed and think you hear a noise, you can look.”
“Well, that’s handy,” she mutters. “Petunia might not want to come back here, though. She fell in love with that loveseat you have by the windows. She stared at the ocean all morning. Not that I can blame her, it’s totally mesmerizing.”
“I wish you had more ocean view out here.” I want to suggest that they just move in with me, and call it a day, but I know she’s not ready for that.
Someday, I’ll have her in my house, and in my bed, all the time.
For now, she’s just steps away from me, and that has to be good enough.
“I love my place. Someday, I’ll have a full ocean view. But in the meantime, this is more than perfect for Petunia and me. Thank you for making me feel safer.”
“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get the app installed on your phone.”
“Right now?”
I stare down at her. “Of course, right now.”
“You know, I’m not terribly technologically advanced. I should probably just muddle through it by myself later. It’ll be far less embarrassing. This is my first smartphone.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, give me your phone.” My voice isn’t brusque or on edge. She knows I’m teasing her.
She bites that delectable bottom lip and passes her phone to me, and within seconds, I have the app downloaded.
“Okay, just put in your email and password here.”
“But this isyourhouse and your security. Shouldn’t you have the account?”
“Absolutely not. It’s your privacy, Sarah. If you move out, and another renter comes in, we’ll delete your account, and the new tenant can set up a new one, using the same equipment. It’s no big deal.”
She scrunches up her nose for a heartbeat, and then, with her tongue between her teeth, she punches the information into her phone.
“Okay, now we’re going to name the cameras, and make sure they’re positioned the way you want them.”
For the next thirty minutes, we get the entire system set up exactly the way she wants it to be, and then I decide that I’m not ready to walk away from her for the day.
“How about dinner at my place?” I suggest.
“I’ve imposed on you for almost twenty-four hours, Tanner.”
“This isn’t an imposition.” I rub a lock of her blonde hair between my thumb and forefinger. “Let’s call it a date.”
Her eyes dilate, and she swallows hard. “I don’t even knowhowto date anymore. I don’t remember the last time I was on one.”
“It’s not hard. You see, I invite you over, you accept, and then we hang out together for a good amount of time. Then, before you go home, I kiss you. Sometimes, there’s sex involved, but there doesn’t have to be. Also, this way, Petunia can spend some more time at my house, watching the water.”
“Oh, my cat is invited on this date, too?”
“Sure. It’s a casual date.” I smile at her. “What do you say?”
“That sounds nice. What can I bring?”
“I have it covered. You can help me cook.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “That’s one skill I never learned, Tanner. I burn boiled water. I’m horrific in the kitchen.”