Page 73 of Fernhill Lane
“Well, to be fair,” Luna says, and winces, “she had it bad for Scott, from what I hear. Like,bad.And I think they dated a little, but he ended up breaking it off for some reason or another.”
“She must have gotten over it, because she had a baby with someone else. I think she was married.”
“Still, he scorned her, and you’re Scott’s sister, so it doesn’t surprise me that she wasn’t nice to you,” Luna says.
“The weird thing is, we got along just fine for a long time. Then, a few weeks ago, she decided to get all psycho on me.” Sarah shrugs. “Oh well, who knows what makes people tick? Not me. I need a margarita.”
“Coming up.” I assume the role of bartender and slice a lime in half. “Who’s in?”
Ihave a new car. Well, new tome, anyway, courtesy of a couple grand and a good friend named Wolfe. I tried to pay him fair market value, but he wouldn’t have it.
I’ve just left his fancy garage, the one on his personal property near Luna’s lighthouse. He’s working out of there until the garage in town is rebuilt.
I’m driving through Huckleberry Bay with the windows down and the music turned up.
When I pull into Tanner’s driveway, I’m surprised to see a van sitting there. I didn’t think we were expecting company.
Tanner himself pokes his head out of the side of the big white van and grins at me as I park to the side.
“Hey, I like your new ride.”
“Thanks.” I bounce over to him and kiss him square on the mouth, then turn to admire the red Honda with him. “It runs great, of course, and, well, it’s the first car I’ve owned since I was nineteen, so it’s kind of the best vehicle with four tires.”
“Agreed.” He wraps his arms around me from behind and squeezes me tightly against him. “And when we get back, we’ll go for a long ride in it.”
I look over my shoulder and up at him with a frown. “Where are we going?”
“Well, I don’t know if you noticed this rather large van parked behind us.”
“I did. Who’s here? I didn’t expect company.”
“No one’s here.” He kisses my nose, and I turn to face him. “I rented it. It’s a luxury travel van, and we, my love, are going camping.”
“We’re goingcamping.” I blink, and then I squeal and launch myself up at him. “I want to see the inside.”
“Your castle awaits.” He gestures for me to climb in ahead of him, and when I get on the first step, I gasp.
“Holy shit, Tanner. This isn’t camping. This isglamping.There’s a freaking chandelier in here. And a full bathroom.”
The inside is done in a farmhouse style and reminds me of Three Sisters Kitchen. There’s shiplap and subway tile, butcher block countertops in the tiny kitchen, and hardwood laminate on the floor.
“Just wait until you see where we’re going. You and Petunia will get a kick out of it.”
I spin around and stare at him, stunned. “We get to take my cat?”
He frowns, then opens a little compartment that has a cat-sized hole in the front and reveals a litter box.
“We’ll put her in her harness and leash,” he says reasonably.
“I love you.” I yank him to me and kiss the hell out of him. “Like, a lot. More than a lot.”
He laughs and tucks my hair behind my ear. “I love you, too. I even love the cat. Now, let’s get packed up so we can hit the road.”