Page 92 of Fernhill Lane
“Hey, babe.”
“Hey.” Just with that one word, I can hear the frustration in her voice.
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I just came out to start my car to go to the grocery store, and it’s out of gas. Like,completelyout. There aren’t even enough fumes to get me to the gas station. Tanner, am I going crazy? Because I could have sworn that I just fueled up the other day.”
“You did.” I meet Scott’s eyes with my own. “You put gas in after Wolfe took care of the tire. I’ll deal with it.”
“I’m so annoyed,” she mutters. “I couldn’t have used a full tank in less than a week.”
“We’ll figure it out. I’m on my way.”
“Thanks. Sorry to interrupt your guy lunch.”
“We were just wrapping it up. No worries. I’ll see you in a few.”
I hang up and scowl.
“What happened?” Scott asks.
“She’s out of gas. She had at least half a tank in that car. What the hell is going on?”
Scott blows out a breath. “I’m coming with you. We’ll see if there’s any damage to the car.”
“Let’s go.”
Scott follows me to my place and parks behind me in the driveway. Sarah’s standing by her car, her face filled with frustration and confusion.
“All I want to do is go buy some bananas,” she says when I get out of the car. “So they can get overly ripe, and I can try my hand at making banana bread. That’s all. Why is that so much to ask?”
“She’s getting a little crazy,” Scott murmurs.
“I’mnotcrazy, except I feel that way all the time now. Anyway, the stupid car is out of gas. I’ve barely been able to drive it since I got it.”
Scott squats by the gas tank as I pull Sarah into my arms for a long, firm hug. “It’s okay. Maybe you didn’t fill it up all the way the other day. Sometimes the pump kicks off before the tank is full, and I just stop filling it, thinking that it’s done.”
“Maybe,” she says with a sigh. “It’s entirely possible that happened because I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”
“I don’t see where anything has been tampered with,” Scott adds as he stands. “Doesn’t look like anyone pried the tank open or anything like that. You probably just didn’t fill it up all the way, like Tanner said.”
“So annoying.” Sarah props her hands on her hips. “Now I need a ride to the grocery store because I’m going to want that banana bread in a few days.”
“You know, you can make the bread without waiting for them to go black,” Scott says.
“But the bread is better when theyareoverripe.”
“Says the woman who doesn’t like to cook.” I laugh when she scowls at me. “I’m sure it’ll be delicious, pretty girl.”
“Just like the mac ‘n’ cheese and hotdogs,” Scott adds.
“You guys can make fun of me all you want.” She lifts her little nose into the air and sniffs. “I don’t care. I won’t share my freshly baked banana bread with you.”
“Now you’re just being mean,” Scott says and reaches out to tug on her blonde hair. “You’ll share with me. I’m your favorite.”
“Leastfavorite brother today.” She grins at him, though. “Okay, you’re my favorite again.”
“Yes.” He pumps his hand in the air triumphantly. “Okay, I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you later at June’s.”