Page 99 of Fernhill Lane
“Why aren’t you ladies dating?” I ask once we all have a concoction in our hands, and we’re sitting in Luna’s living room. “All three of you are gorgeous, smart, and wonderful.”
“We’re also incredibly busy,” Cordelia says.
“Not to mention, no one has really asked us out on a date. At least, they haven’t askedme,” Mira adds with a shrug. “Besides, I’ve got my head in the kitchen too much to go out and chase down a man.”
“Well, if none of you are snatched up, the men in this town are blind,” June adds.
“What aboutyou?” Darla asks, looking right at June. “You’re single.”
“And happy to stay that way,” June insists.
“But, what about orgasms?” This comes from Luna, who’s clearly been enjoying the martinis. Her eyes are a little glassy, and her mouth is soft as she grins. “A girl needs regular orgasms.”
“Who says she needs a man for that?” June demands. “There are plenty of other ways to get to that goal.”
We all blink at June for a moment and then erupt in laughter.
“I suppose that’s true,” I reply. “Hell, I went more than eight years without sex.”
“What?” Cordelia frowns. “But, weren’t you married?”
“Marriage has absolutelynothingto do with sex,” I assure her. “He got tired of me after a while, and when I found out that he was screwing everything with a set of lungs and a heartbeat, I knew that I’d never let him touch me again. Who knows what he was exposed to?”
“Ew,” Mira says, wrinkling her nose. “That sucks big time.”
“Not really.” I shrug and take a sip of this excellent beverage. “He was really,reallybad at it, anyway. I don’t think he ever made me come. So, I wasn’t missing out on much. Now, Tanner, on the other hand, never has an issue getting me to come.”
“Here’s the good stuff,” Darla says, leaning in. “Tanner’s hot. I’m not gonna lie. A lot of us single ladies in town have had our eye on him for a long time. He is sexy with a capital X.”
We laugh, and Darla looks around at us.
“What? He is!”
“Sexy starts with an S, drunk girl,” I inform her. “But yes, you’re right. He’s hot and has excellent equipment, and believe me when I say that he knows what to do with it. And he just has this sweet way that he holds my face”—I reach for June to demonstrate—“like I’m the best treasure he has in the whole world, and he’s all sweet and gentle and stuff.”
“Yeah, yeah, with the sweet and gentle,” June says, waving me off. “Go back to hot.”
I grin, and when I realize that my glass is empty, I fill it back up. “Why do I have to tell all my secrets? Wolfe’s sexy. Let’s hear about his secret sexy ways. Luna?”
All of our attention turns to our hostess, who simply smiles.
“He’sbossy.And it’s the absolute best.”
“Love it when Tanner gets bossy,” I agree, and clink my glass to hers. “Does he do the pin-your-hands-above-your-head thing?”
“Sometimes,” she says. “Mostly, it’s just always really intense. I mean, he can be playful, too, but it’s justsointense, and I think I might blow up from the heat, and then I don’t blow up.”
“We aresofucking drunk,” Cordelia says with a snort. “And I haven’t had sex in far too long.”
“I highly recommend it,” I inform her. “Frequently and as much as you can. I guess those two things mean the same thing.”
“We’re gonna need rides home,” Darla decides. “These drinks werestrong.”
“I’m sure the guys could drive us,” Luna says, but I shake my head.
“I think they were all going down to Lighthouse Pizza for beer.” I narrow my eyes and reach for my phone. “But I could call Tanner and see.”
“Actually, you can all crash here,” Luna says. “I have four guest bedrooms and a couch, if you don’t want to share.”