Page 12 of Ruined Kingdom
“Good girl. Now do as you’re told and undress.”
I put my hand on the bed to get to my feet, cursing him all along, knowing I’m on the fucking edge of sobbing, and I can’t let him see that.
Emma. I have to focus on Emma. I need to survive and get back to her. “I need to call my sister. If I do this, you’ll let me call her.”
“There you go making demands again.”
“Better. We will see. After you’ve shown me you can take an order. Count yourself lucky that I’m giving you this opportunity. I don’t like repeating myself.” He checks his watch like he might have somewhere to be, the fucking asshole.
I grit my teeth and reach back to pull the zipper down the rest of the way. It catches, but I manage, pulling my arms out and letting the dress pool at my ankles. I take the strap and holster off next and stumble as I get the stockings off so I have to sit on the edge of the bed to do it. I stand when I’m in my bra and panties. His eyes are on mine. Not looking me over like I expect him to. Like I expect any man would.
“What could I be hiding in my underwear?”
He casually shrugs a shoulder. “I just want to get a look at you.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“So you’ve said.”
I slip off my bra and panties, trying not to think about it. Not to think about being naked in front of this man and so completely vulnerable.
“Satisfied?” I ask, forcing my arms to remain at my sides. I will not cower.
He lets his gaze move slowly over me. It feels like he’s touching every inch of my skin. It takes all I have not to cover myself, and I feel my face grow hot with fury or shame, I’m going to tell myself it’s the former when he finally meets my eyes.
“I don’t have anything on me. There’s nowhere to hide anything.”
He shrugs a shoulder. “Give yourself more credit than that, Dandelion. I’m sure you can be crafty. Don’t force me to do a more thorough search.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
I hold up my middle finger. This is to humiliate me. To punish me. So instead of doing a quick spin, I look him in the eyes and turn, keeping my gaze over my shoulder, glaring as he takes me in.
“Seen enough to jerk off to later?”
“Why jerk off when you’re standing right here? Now face me.”
My heart thuds at his insinuation, and it takes all I have to face him. To keep my spine straight and look at him.
“Good girl.”
“Fuck you.”
He casually turns to move to the bookshelf. Earlier, I’d seen the single leather-bound volume that looked more like a photo album than anything else, but I hadn’t investigated the contents. He pulls it out and sets it on the table by that vase of wilted, drooping flowers, flipping through a few pages before closing it and turning back to me.
“Not-so-light reading for you to pass the time,” he says and heads toward the door. “You can get dressed now.”
“Wait!” I call out as he opens it, stopping short when I see the guard’s face as he pokes his head in and sees me. I flip him off, then wrap an arm over my breasts and set my hand between my legs.
He hands the dagger to the soldier and makes a point of leaving the door open when he turns back to me.