Page 10 of Code Name: Outlaw
She hoped that worked, because yellingI am a librarian!probably wouldn’t make sense to anyone.
“We got word there was trouble,” Ian said. “That Ray and Dorian had taken down some threats.”
Ray shrugged and nodded toward the two men sitting across from her. “They were poking around. I don’t like people who poke around when they’ve proven themselves untrustworthy once.”
“They need to talk to you and me, Ian,” Jenna said. “That’s all they want.”
Ian nodded and holstered his weapon. Slowly, everyone else did the same. Even Ray.
“You going to tell whoever you’ve got outside to stand down?” Mark said to Dorian.
It took Jenna a second to realize Mark was talking about some sort of sniper.
Dorian shrugged but then pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “We’ve got it handled. You can go. I owe you one. Thanks.”
“Aiden?” Zac asked.
Dorian shook his head. “Gabe.”
Callum’s face went hard. “You had a former Navy SEAL like Gabriel Collingwood out there with his sights on us?”
Dorian leaned down onto the table so his face was close to the agents across from him. His voice was so soft Jenna could hardly hear his words.
“This woman and my children mean everything in the universe to me. Any threat, foreign or domestic, won’t be tolerated. And believe me, Ray’s insistence on hearing what you had to say is the only reason you’re sitting here alive. Remember that next time you’re thinking of sneaking into this town unannounced with an agenda. I have no problem hiding as many bodies as it takes to keep my family safe.”
Ray stood, slipping her crossbow into the specialized holster at her back. She kissed her husband on the cheek and grabbed his hand. “We’re heading home. I need to get the lasagna in the oven.”
Dorian let the tiny woman lead him out. As he passed by Jenna, he touched her on the shoulder. “Although burying those two would’ve made me a little sad on your account.”
She winked at him. “Thanks for giving them a chance, Ghost.”
Now that the crisis had passed, everyone in the bar began moving more normally. Ian went over to chew out Wavy’s security detail. Finn picked up Charlie and hoisted her over his shoulder, carrying her out as she laughed. Zac followed behind them, offering a small salute as he left.
Jenna noticed Mark studying her but didn’t say anything to him. Instead, she went and sat down across from her brother and Callum.
“You could’ve called,” she said to Craig. “Easier than facing a crossbow.”
Her brother gave a tight smile. “If Dorian knew what it felt like to be shot by that damned crossbow of hers, he would know I don’t take it lightly.”
Ian joined them and slid into the booth next to Jenna. “If I’m not mistaken, he’s been on the receiving end of Ray’s arrows before. Thing had a fucking note attached to it.”
Craig looked over at the door Dorian and Ray had exited. “Those two are scary.”
“Something you might want to keep in mind for future meetings.” Mark took his place flanking Ian. Once again, Jenna avoided looking at him.
“Agreed,” Ian said. “If you want an appointment with me, call my assistant.”
Callum let out a sigh. “We needed both you and Jenna. After what happened with Theodore Wilson, I wasn’t sure if Jenna would talk to me at all.”
Jenna stiffened, and they all sat in silence at Wilson’s name. The Europol agent had broken in to her house and used her agoraphobia against her a few months ago. His intentions may have been good, but his methods were still part of what was causing her to vomit after only a few seconds outside.
And worst of all, Mark Outlawson had been there to witness that entire showdown with Wilson.
“If Wilson is around, I’m sure I can call Ray and her crossbow back real quick,” she finally said.
Callum shook his head. “No, he’s in Europe where he belongs. This has nothing to do with him.”
“Then what does it have to do with?” Mark’s voice to her side was cold and hard, all hint of his normal Southern drawl completely gone.