Page 53 of Code Name: Outlaw
“I promise.” But at the moment, there wasn’t anything she could imagine him doing that would cool the heat raging within her.
“Good.” Mark stood, no limp now, and flipped her with strong hands so she was on her knees. It was the only warning she had before his mouth was on her, consuming her from behind.
This wasn’t slow, and it wasn’t gentle. It was possession with lips and teeth and tongue, and she was deliciously helpless against it. Against him. More than anything—what she hadn’t been able to truly put words to—she was broken enough already, so she didn’t want anyone treating her like she was broken in the bedroom.
Pleasure spiraled through her, growing almost too fast. She moved, and Mark’s hands landed on her hips, holding her exactly where he wanted her so he could push deeper with his tongue.
The shock of it was so unexpected, the heat pushed her over into a free fall of pleasure, flattening her down on the bed because her limbs were weak with the force of the orgasm.
No one she’d ever been with had gotten her to that point so quickly and thoroughly, and she didn’t know if it was simply both of them being open and vulnerable with each other or if it was him.
Both. She hoped it was both.
Behind her, she heard the sounds of clothes coming off and a condom being put on before she felt him lifting her back onto her knees and helping her out of the rest of her clothes.
He roamed his hands up her body, touching her everywhere. No hesitation and no holding back. There was no glass doll here, and the relief she felt was only second to the sheer lust sliding over her like he was painting her with his fingers.
He flipped her again, dropping her on her back with amusement in his green eyes. Push and pull. When she ran a hand through his hair, he grabbed her wrist to yank her closer and kiss her with the same mouth that had just drowned her with pleasure. When she pushed him away playfully, he followed, nipping her lip to keep her close.
All at once, he lifted her knees, pushing them to her shoulders so he could enter her. And enter her he did, slamming home hard enough they both groaned.
“Outlaw,” she breathed. “My Outlaw.”
He was looking at her like she was the only thing that existed in the world, and she loved it.
He drove into her with hard, forceful strokes that felt like a claiming. Just feral enough to make her gasp, and tender enough to make her moan. It was everything, and she was lost in it.
They rose to pleasure together until all that was left between them were shaking breaths and unsaid words.
Mark lowered his forehead to hers for long moments before kissing her gently. It felt like there should be words to fill the silence, but neither of them was ready for that yet.
Finally, when they both had caught their breath, Mark pulled himself away to the bathroom to clean up, and Jenna found his shirt and put it on, enjoying the comfort of having the smell of him around her, just like last time.
He froze coming out of the bathroom. “If you ever want to eat tonight, I’m not sure wearing my shirt is the best idea.”
“Why?” she teased, standing up from the bed and slipping past him to the food. “Like what you see?”
“You have no fucking idea,” he muttered.
Jenna laughed and started putting together a plate of food to warm up. “Food first. Then, we’ll see.”
He grabbed his pants off the floor, and Jenna was fully aware that his eyes never left her. “Yes, we will see.”
His voice left tingles on her skin, and she found herself eager to finish dinner.
Chapter 17
They got sleep.
Granted, their limbs were intertwined the whole night and Jenna woke up at dawn to the feel of Mark’s lips making their way down her neck, which led to…notsleeping, but mostly, they got the rest they needed. At least, more than Jenna normally did.
Something had changed between them. Not just the sex, although that was amazing enough, but in the intimacy between them. She realized it as she lay in the bed with him—his face buried in her neck, leg hiked up over her hips—running her fingers through his thick brown hair. This newfound intimacy was less about physical closeness and more about there being no more secrets between them.
He knew her weaknesses, and she knew his.
She hated to hear about his peripheral neuropathy because she knew how heavy that weighed on him. He was going to have to change damned near everything about his life.
But he could do it. He was smart and resilient enough to adapt. Where some people might let hopelessness and depression cloud everything with this new condition, Outlaw would persevere. It was the core of his nature.