Page 60 of Code Name: Outlaw
“We’re still having to play defense,” Mark said. “I’d like for us to get to a place where we can get ahead of Joaquin. Put him on the defensive.”
“I think we all want that,” Callum responded. “Jenna figured out how to combat the tail. That definitely gives us a leg up.”
“Not much of one if he’s got the robots programmed to kill themselves rather than be captured,” Ian said. “Six dead.”
Jenna sat up straighter. “Even worse, Joaquin’s scientists can change the tail and we’ll be back at square one with any new robots. Time will be critical for each.”
Ian looked down at his phone as it buzzed. “Then we need to get ready to roll. Looks like we’ve had another B&E, another robot who’s in the hospital and deteriorating fast.”
Jenna was already scooting out from the table. “I have to send the hospital what they need to stabilize the victim.” She looked over at Ian. “And I’d like to go, see if we can help the victim remember anything this time.”
Ian nodded. “San Diego.”
Jenna’s face fell. “That’ll take too long for us to drive.”
“Already covered. I’ve got a plane ready that can transport the bus and us. It’ll only take a couple of hours.”
“Good. I’ll get the info and start talking with the hospital staff.” She rushed over to her computer and began typing.
“Where was the break-in?” Mark asked. “More specifically, what government server did it give them access to?”
Ian read the report on his phone. “FAA backup.”
All of them went silent. If Joaquin had access to the FAA, he could cause all sorts of crises with air travel.
“The intel on that server shouldn’t be critical info. None of them should contain critical info,” Callum said.
Mark crossed his arms over his chest. “The pieces themselves aren’t critical, but when they’re all put together, the whole will equal something we won’t like. I can basically guarantee it.”
Neither of the other men argued.
“We have to work it one bit at a time. Let’s get Jenna to this latest robot and see what we can find.” Ian met Mark’s eyes. “Is she going to be okay? Tonight was rough.”
She wasn’t listening to them; she was already on a video call with the doctor at the hospital. But she still looked frail, a little weak.
“She’ll keep it together,” Mark said. “She’s stronger than she gives herself credit for.”
“I’ll meet you guys in San Diego.” Callum disconnected the call.
Ian stood. “I’ll go let Sarge and Landon know what’s going on.”
Mark grabbed his arm as he scooted by. “Thank you for finding a way to bring the bus with us.”
Ian nodded. “Like I said, knowing my team’s strengths and weaknesses makes me a more effective leader.” He grinned. “Besides, what’s the point in being a billionaire if you can’t have toys?”
Mark shook his hand. “See you on the plane, Aries.”
He exited as well, and Jenna and Mark stared at each other. She sighed with a tired smile. “Time for another adventure?”
“Can’t wait.” Grabbing the keys, he started the bus, and they headed out.
Chapter 19
They were able to drive the bus right up to the modified cargo plane at the small regional airport. From there, Jenna let Mark carry her up the outer stairs into the passenger section of the plane, too exhausted to care what Ian thought about it.
Mark left her inside briefly to help the loading staff with the bus, because neither of them wanted anyone else inside it.
Ian was already on board, head bent over a computer screen, talking to someone in a low voice on his phone. Jenna knew she should probably see if he needed any help, but she was tired enough she didn’t want to engage yet. If she could maybe get some sleep on the plane, it would be good.