Page 79 of Code Name: Outlaw
If it cost Mark his life, so be it. But he would trust she had a plan.
“How did you find us?” He aimed the question at Joaquin. Mark couldn’t do much, but maybe he could keep that bastard occupied for a while so he left her alone. “You didn’t know about Jenna, you said it yourself. What tipped you off?”
“The man at the hospital you almost caught.” Joaquin crossed his arms over his chest. “He was at the hospital observing for a few hours before he failed at his mission to terminate the subject. He reported what he’d seen before he died.”
“You killed him?”
Joaquin shook his head. “I didn’t. He simply stopped breathing. Amazing how that can happen.”
He meant the man had been under subjectification, and he’d let him die and not given him whatever formula was needed to live.
“Naturally, I was intrigued there was someone who’d managed to undo the handiwork my scientists had done, so I began to dig. I discovered Jenna and her tie to Adil Garrison. I decided we needed to meet, so I made that happen.”
“Where are we now? Vegas?”
Joaquin’s eyes narrowed. “Does it matter?”
Mark shrugged as best he could in the restraints. “I guess not.”
The man wasn’t going to give him any information, but that didn’t mean Mark wasn’t going to try.
“I need to use the restroom,” Jenna said.
Joaquin stared at her and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Unless you want to spend the next however many hours in a room that smells like a toilet.”
He jerked his head at the man who’d brought the food tray. “Take her.”
Jenna approached him, and the man tried to grab her arm, but she shrugged it off. Mark couldn’t keep the smug satisfaction off his face. The man didn’t know she could take him down in a second, regardless of how he was trained.
God, how Mark would laugh if she knocked the guard unconscious and got out of here. He’d be laughing on the way to his grave, but he’d be laughing, nonetheless.
He hoped she would do it, even knowing she wouldn’t. Because of him. She wouldn’t leave him behind.
Once the door closed, Joaquin turned to him, all pretenses gone. He wasn’t the threatening yet charming person trying to get what he wanted. This was the true terrorist.
“If you keep digging, I will gut you, and I won’t wait for her to finish her task. I will make it slow. It’s your choice, but don’t push me.”
So they were in Vegas. Joaquin didn’t like that Mark had mentioned that. He didn’t know that they’d been able to track him and the upcoming sale here.
The Zodiac team was scouring this town right this very second. Didn’t mean they would necessarily find him and Jenna, but at least they were searching in the right place.
Mark didn’t want to let any of that intel slip. “Your threats are starting to get monotonous.”
“You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”
“I know exactly who I’m dealing with, Joaquin Martinez. And by now, I’m sure you know a lot about me too. So, we can do this dance all day, or you can just agree that you’re going to try to kill me at the end of it and I’m going to try to kill you if I can.”
He needed Joaquin’s attention focused more on him than Jenna. Give her a chance to do whatever she was going to do.
The other man smirked. “This is going to be fun. Do your worst, Outlaw. That’s your nickname, right? But I always win. Remember that.”
Mark didn’t respond. Joaquin could call himself the winner all day long, but he didn’t know how much of a fight Mark could put up, or the friends that were searching for them right this very second.
This wasn’t over.
And Mark wouldn’t stop fighting for Jenna until he drew his last breath.