Page 42 of Flawed
“Sorry, bro. No can—” I stop mid-sentence.
“What?” Then Chance follows my gaze to the entrance.
Sadie’s here. Still wearing that damned black miniskirt.
And she’s not alone.
The pool hall is busy.I scan the place like a good cop should as soon as I enter. I take in two things—or rather, two people—at once. Not things, people.
Mark’s here, but that’s not a surprise. Only annoying.
And Miles is here. With his brother Chance.
Shit. My heart leaps at the sight of him and then drops back into place. Back to reality. Why the hell is he here?
Sometimes I really hate small towns.
I stop short and Jake sets his hand on my shoulder instead of bumping into me. Miles’s gaze settles on that action and his jaw clenches.
Jake leans in. “He’s here, isn’t he?”
I nod and move toward the bar. “Yeah.”
I didn’t want to see him tonight. After my burger, I was going to head home, but Jake could tell I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts, although I shared too many of them with him. I don’t know how he wrangled it, but he left his shift early to hang with me. Since Tracy couldn’t get off like he did, I’m thankful to hang with someone instead of crying through a pity party of one in my apartment.
Jake’s nice. Funny. And he’s the only guy I’ve met who understands the struggle with dating men. So I spilled it all to him and he told me to stop running. To face Miles head-on, because if I wanted something with him, I needed to put my big-girl panties on and deal with the issues.
Of course, he didn’t say big-girl panties. He said to grow a pair. Either way, I wasn’t planning to do itnow.
I’m angry that Miles got a woman pregnant. The guy I slept with, who I thought I shared a connection with, has baby drama. I don’t want that. But the fling happened before I knew him. It didn’t even happen in this state. It was before me.
I can’t hold past encounters against him. I sure don’t want him holding mine against me.
Still, it hurts. And Jake’s right. I ran. I saw that text, heard Miles confirm it happened, and bolted.
The music switches to Stevie Ray Vaughan as Jake and I order drinks.
My heart skips a beat at the deep sound of Miles’s voice. I flick my gaze to Jake’s and turn around. There, almost too close, stands Miles.
I breathe in his scent. Take in the rasp of whiskers on his square jaw. His narrowed gaze burns into me.
“Hey,” I say. “This is Jake.”
Miles holds his hand out and Jake shakes it, a big grin splitting his face.
“Miles. How’s it hanging?”
Once Miles releases his grasp, he sets his hand on my waist and steers me down the long bar. He leans in and murmurs. “Want to tell me why the hell you’re here with another man? After I woke up in your bed this morning?”
My cheeks heat furiously. I step away from his touch. “Jake’s my friend. How’s the baby-naming going?”
His eyes narrow. “The baby’s not mine.”