Page 61 of Flawed
“Wait,” Miles says. “I just called the number that I gave you guys when we were at Sadie’s dad’s place. Someone named Gene Chubb answered.”
Mr. Shankle clears his throat. “He’s not answering any longer.”
“Damn. That call must’ve freaked him out.” Miles turns to Louisa, who has returned with our lemonade. He takes one glass and hands the other to me. “Thank you, Louisa.”
This time I will my voice to work. “Yes, thank you.” I take a sip, and yes, it’s sweet, but it’s also comforting in a strange way.
My mom used to make lemonade just like this when I was young. It was Joey’s favorite. She didn’t make it after the divorce though. It was either unsweetened iced tea or water. Maybe that’s why I don’t like lemonade. It reminds me of Joey. Of what I lost after our family fell apart.
“We think your call probably raised red flags for this guy,” Chance says.
“Well, that’s what we need to find out.” Mr. Shankle pulls his phone from his front pocket and glances at it. “I’ve cleared the next couple of days to work on this.”
“We appreciate that,” Austin says.
“Will you be coming with us to the meeting in the morning with Detective Peterson?” Miles asks Mr. Shankle. “The coroner’s cleared Austin and me by time of death alone, but that leaves Chance. It might be best if he has legal representation at this point, especially if Joey really was EPA. Killing a government official is even more of a big deal.”
He nods. “Definitely.”
“Detective Peterson said Austin and I don’t need to be at the meeting,” Miles says. “Just Chance and Sadie. But fuck that. I want to be there.” He turns and meets my gaze. “I’m not letting you go through this alone.”
He squeezes my hand, and I smile.
Sort of.
Then he glances at Chance. “You either.”
“Ditto that.” From Austin, who squeezes Carly’s thigh.
“So what are we looking at here?” Chance asks. “There can’t be too—” He stops abruptly and looks at me.
I chew on my lower lip. “We all know who the body is. We know it’s my brother. We can’t keep tiptoeing around it.”
“I agree,” Carly says. “You can think you’re doing the right thing by not talking about stuff, but it’s never the right thing. I should know.”
A haunted look passes over her face, but Austin tips her chin toward him and he kisses her. She smiles and it’s gone.
“You’re right, Carly.” Chance gazes at me. “I’m sorry, Sadie. Your brother’s body—”
“Joey. Joseph Hopkins.” I look down at my lap. “That was his name. I think it’s important that we say his name.”
“Good point.” Chance nods. “Joey. We all know that it’s Joey.” He sighs. “Honestly, I never knew him. But either he was here on our property, or someone wants us to think he was.”
“Yes,” Mr. Shankle says. “The body could’ve been planted after he was killed.”
“That’s where our department comes in,” I offer. “We’ll do an investigation. I’m sure the coroner can tell by how he died, drowning or not.”
“Have you thought about recusing yourself from this case?” Mr. Shankle asks. “You are related to the deceased and clearly close to the Bridgers.”
My cheeks warm, and I choke back a sob.
“Shankle, come on.” Miles squeezes my hand again.
“She just told us she doesn’t want us tiptoeing around this,” the attorney says.
“You’re right.” I gulp back the sob. “I suppose I could recuse myself, and Miles pretty much told the lead detective I should be off the case because of all the conflict of interest. But it’smybrother and well, Peterson is an asshole. We’re the only two detectives here in this county and he’s going to need all the help he can get in solving this, no matter what he thinks.”