Page 32 of Earl of Deception
Lord Dowding appeared to be considering it as he began to move forward. Then, without warning, he cleared his throat and pulled away.
“Yes, we’ll be friends for eternity,” he said in a husky voice. “I can see that now.”
Jenny’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “Yes, of course. Friends.” How could she have been so wrong? She would have wagered all she owned that he had wanted to kiss her, and she would have lost it all.
“If I were to consider romance,” he said, smiling, “which I’m not, I assure you—you would be the one. But a great friend is equally worthy.”
A thousand thoughts rushed through Jenny’s mind. Why was he avoiding the notion of romance? Or marriage, for that matter? And why would he whisper sweet words to her and make her believe he wished to kiss her only to act as if neither had taken place?
Something was hindering him. That had to be the problem. But what?
Well, Jenny was determined to learn what that something was!
Returning to their seats, it was just a moment later when the door opened, and Mrs. Rutley entered the room.
Lord Dowding stood. “I was just about to leave. But I’m glad you came before I did. I’d like to invite Miss Clifton to have luncheon three days from now. Will you permit her to do so?”
Mrs. Rutley smiled. “I see no reason why she cannot, my lord.”
“Excellent. I’ll send a carriage to collect you again.” He took Jenny’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Until then, Miss Clifton.”
When he was gone, Jenny had to keep herself from slouching back into the couch. Her heart still pounded in her chest, and she worried it would burst through her sternum.
“It seems the earl has taken an interest in you,” Mrs. Rutley said. “Given your flushed face, may I presume you feel the same?”
Jenny sighed. “If I’m honest, I like him very much. But we barely know each other, Mrs. Rutley. Can a woman care so deeply for a man she only met recently? And what do I do if he does not return those feelings?”
“You would be surprised how quickly a couple can develop an affection for one another. But you mustn’t rush anything. Everything happens in its due time.”
Louisa sniffed. “I gave her that very same advice.”
Jenny rolled her eyes, and Mrs. Rutley laughed. “I think we’re nearing the time when Jenny will no longer need our advice, Louisa. It will be she who is advising us.”
Later that night, as Jenny lay in bed, she considered her headmistress’s words. She, Jenny Clifton, giving advice to others? That had to mean that Mrs. Rutley no longer looked at her as the girl who first came to the school. Now, if she could only get Lord Dowding to see her as the young lady she had become, she would prove to him that she was worthy of far more than simple friendship.
Chapter Thirteen
The following day, beneath the shade of the giant oak tree where the Sisterhood of Secrets was formed, Jenny explained her situation to her friends. Unity, Theodosia, and Louisa were huddled together, shivering in the cold, while Ruth rubbed her chin in thought. They could have remained indoors, but the tree had become too important a symbol to abandon simply because it was winter.
“So, all you can say is that he is on some secret mission?” Ruth asked as she adjusted the red woolen muffler. “You’ve no other details to share?”
Before Jenny could respond, Louisa said, “Jenny gave her word, Ruth. Though I don’t know the details, I can only assume that too many lives are at stake to let others in on this secret.”
Ruth laughed. “Out of all the people in the world, he chose Jenny to help him? Oh, don’t look at me like that. I don’t mean to be harsh, but you must be wondering how he came to this decision. What could you possibly know anything about spying? Surely, Louisa would have been a better contender. At least she has the experience. And what about this woman you encountered at the millinery? Who is she?”
“Well, he did not say exactly who she is,” Jenny replied. “Only that she had been in his life a short time. Although, I’ll admit he did not say for what reason.”
Ruth heaved a dramatic sigh and placed a hand on Jenny’s shoulder. “You girls are so naive to the ways of the world.”
Louisa laughed. “And what makes you an expert on the world, Ruth? Where did you acquire all this knowledge you seem to have? Did your father teach you?”
Ruth narrowed her eyes. “How I came to know what I do makes little difference. But it’s clear this other woman is a contender for his affection. I believe Lord Dowding’s plan is twofold. He may have spoken the truth about this marquess he’s pursuing, but it would not surprise me if he has put Jenny on this ‘mission,’ or however he wishes to name it, simply to keep her happy whilst he still pursues this other woman. That way, he has two women vying for his attention rather than one.”
Jenny shook her head. “I don’t believe that is the case. From what I’ve seen thus far, Lord Dowding is a good man with good intentions. I’ve no reason to doubt his motives.”
She paused. Did she truly believe what she said? He had brushed aside her concerns about the mysterious lady. Or had she been so preoccupied with thoughts of him kissing her that she blindly accepted his explanation?
Well, she thought, sighing deeply,you’ve no choice now but to trust his intentions.