Page 76 of Earl of Deception
“But why?” Nicholas asked. “Why is coming to my aid now so important to you and your father. Did Tulk bring trouble to your family?”
Without warning, the figure stepped from the shadows into the middle of the room. Not only was Mr. Patrick Thompson short, but he was also quite thin. Yet there was a familiarity about him. Had they encountered one another without having officially met?
“Because I care for you.” Gone was the gruff voice, replaced by one Nicholas would recognize anywhere.
“Miss… Miss Jenny?” he stammered, unable to keep from gaping. He took the pipe from her. “What… why are you doing this? And these clothes… what have you done?”
Reaching up, she removed the hat to reveal not the long, beautiful braid but rather a head of short hair. “Oh, no,” he groaned. “But why?”
She looked up at him and smiled. “I thought about the hurt you’ve endured.” She tossed the hat onto a pile of hay. “You have the ability to touch victory, but you need help. I don’t care about my hair, my lord. It will grow again. Clothes, they can be replaced. But you have only one chance to end what you started. All I wish to do is help. The question is, will you allow me to do so?”
* * *
Jenny faced Lord Dowding as she waited for his response. He would argue with her, that much she knew. But eventually, she would play the part of Mr. Patrick Thompson whether he liked it or not.
He heaved a sigh, and she braced herself for what was to come. “I admire your willingness to come to my aid, Miss Jenny, but I cannot—”
“Allow me?” she asked, knowing full well that would be his argument.
“Well, yes,” he replied.
“Or are you hoping to protect me again?”
“That is exactly what I want.”
She frowned and placed her hands on her hips. “And from whom are you protecting me? You?”
Lord Dowding stared at her, his mouth hanging open. “I’m not sure I understand.”
“Men,” Jenny spat. “Why don’t you explain to me why you keep your distance.”
“Keep my… what do you mean? You’ve come to Rosling Estate numerous times, and I’ve called on you at the school. We’ve even kissed, admitted feelings and such. That certainly does not signal me keeping my distance.”
“I’m not speaking of nearness in the physical sense,” Jenny said. “What I mean is your heart. You’ve closed it off to me, and I demand to know why. I know you care for me, but I’m past caring. I love you.”
A single tear rolled down her cheek. Would he not say the same?
“Your beautiful hair,” he murmured as he touched her head. “Even with it gone, you’re still the same lovely woman.”
Jenny sniffled. “Then why am I not good enough to earn your love?”
Lord Dowding shook his head. “I’m the one at fault. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Why can’t you tell me?” she demanded. “What has closed you off to love?”
His smile was melancholy. “One day, I shall, but not today. Please, you must know that I do care very deeply for you. Can that not be enough for now?”
She nodded, although this was far from what she wanted to hear. His words hurt, but she loved him. “Allow me to ask one more thing,” she said.
He nodded.
“Promise me you’ll explain what has hurt you so terribly, what keeps you from returning the love I have for you.”
Placing a hand on her cheek, Lord Dowding smiled. “I promise. Just give me a little more time and I’ll reveal everything.”
With that, Jenny fell into his arms and sighed as he held her tight.
“But I cannot have you risking your life,” the earl said as he kissed the top of her head.