Page 44 of Knight of Destiny
For the third time in the past hour, Aaron reread the letter in his hands. He had written Miss Duston as an attempt to ease her scorn. The young woman was a delicate creature and was easily agitated. Thus, he would have to choose his words with care.
Stopping in the middle, he read aloud.
“Although I cannot admit to any wrongdoing on my part, I do recognize that you believe I have committed an offense of some sort. Therefore, I would ask that you put away any misconceptions you may have about me and allow me to call on you again. After all, my mere presence can help you in your endeavor of seeking wisdom.”
He paused. Something about his writing did not sit well with him, yet he could not place a finger on the exact problem.
Then he laughed. How could he be so slow-witted? The way he phrased his request to call on her was no better than a street urchin begging for coins. It would only strengthen her misconception of a woman’s place in society!
The door opened, and Scriven entered. “I beg your pardon, sir, but Miss Dunston demands to speak to you.”
Aaron placed the letter aside and rose from his seat. “What’s this? Shedemands? Where is she now?”
“Forgive me, sir, but they are her words, not mine. She also says”—he cleared his throat and flushed—“She’ll waithere, for she’s not worthy to sit in your home.”
“And where is ‘here’ exactly?”
The butler reddened further. “The front door, sir.”
A sudden spike of amusement made Aaron grin. “Well, it appears she’s finally found humility. I’d say that’s nothing short of a miracle.”
“Perhaps others will follow her lead,” Scriven mumbled.
Was that sarcasm Aaron heard in the man’s tone? No, that was silly. The butler had never been impertinent in the years in Aaron’s employ.
“I’ll go see her,” Aaron replied.
As he entered the foyer, Aaron slowed his pace to allow himself a moment to take in the young lady. Her deep-blue dress suited her well, not only in its color but also in how it clung to her feminine form. Her hat was adorned with several blue feathers, and black slippers peeked out from beneath the hem of her skirts. In her hand, she clutched a letter, and her face expressed a deep sadness that tugged at Aaron’s heart.
What was most odd was the sympathetic pat on her arm that came from Miss Lockhart. The redhead never seemed the consoling type.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” Aaron said with a bow.
Miss Dunston started and looked up at him. “Forgive my intrusion, sir, but Mrs. Rutley wished us to come as soon as we could.” She handed him the letter. “Mrs. Rutley asked me to deliver this letter to you. I even used my allowance to hire a carriage as part of my punishment.”
Aaron arched a single brow. Punishment? For what?
Well, it was no business of his.
“What is this concerning?”
“I don’t know what it says exactly, but I’m here to apologize for my behavior. I’m afraid I’ve conducted myself poorly as of late, but I promise I do know how a lady should act. I’m here to assure you that I’ll not be disrespectful again.”
A small smile tugged at his lips. Finally, the woman had seen the errors of her ways.
Yet her sad expression created a twinge of guilt within him. Hurting her had been the last thing he wanted to do. But if she became a better woman because of that lesson, it was well worth the humiliation she had to endure.
Sliding a finger beneath the seal, he unfolded the letter.
Sir Aaron,
I have recently learned that Miss Dunston’s behavior has been less than exemplary over the past few weeks. I cannot express my embarrassment, for she has received better instruction. My students are trained to serve great men such as yourself and to find any one of them showing such disregard for your station greatly troubles me.
Aaron stifled a grin. Great man? Well, this Mrs. Rutley was far more intelligent than he first suspected if she recognized his exceptional qualities.
Not only do I apologize for what you have been forced to endure, but I also have instructed Miss Dunston to beg your forgiveness. I have learned you are seeking investors to open a gentlemen’s club where the Chatsworth Theater is currently located. As a woman, other than my knowledge of running a young ladies’ school, I lack the training in the area of business.