Page 26 of P.S. I Hate You
“Welp. I should start getting ready for work.” Cindy rises and disappears down the hall.
I look at my phone sitting on the tabletop in front of me just as the screen lights up.
Troy:My mom didn’t like the shirt, by the way.
I grin.
Me:Well, I guess everyone has their own taste.
When he doesn’t reply, my chest tightens. He doesn’t seem offended, but I still owe him an apology for the way I spoke to him.
My thumb hovers over the message as I read and reread, making sure I want to continue down this road. I could let it go and forget it happened, but after hearing Cindy’s story, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to get to know Troy a little better.
Me:I’m sorry I snapped at you. It’s been a long day.
Troy:It’s okay. Seeing that cute blush on your face might have been worth it.
I feel it return with a vengeance.
Me:Cindy told me about your family. It’s nice of you to take care of her.
Troy:It’s what we do.
My heart thumps hard in my chest. Troy is actually a nice guy. I cradle the phone in my hands, silently praying he asks me out again, hoping it’s not too late to give him a second chance. Whennothing else comes through, I carve out a small opening for him to walk through.
Me:I’m not working tonight.
Troy:Plans with one of your many suitors?
A giggle tinkles off my tongue. I snuggle into the corner of the couch, resting my phone on my raised thigh.
Me:What suitors? The only person who’s been nice to me in this entire state so far has been you.
Troy:Yet you keep thwarting my advances. Perhaps you’re a glutton for punishment.
Me:Perhaps. But maybe I’m starting to realize that I’m only punishing myself.
The message dots bounce for an excruciatingly long time, my stomach twisting with anticipation. Just when I’m ready to detonate, his message comes in.
A wide smile blossoms on my face.
My room looks like a war zone at the mall. Dresses and skirts thrown on the bed, accessories placed together with care, then tossed aside for something else. I shouldn’t be this nervous. Troy’s the one who’s been pursuingme. My clothing choice isn’t a make-or-break situation, but great power lurks behind every great outfit. Ever notice how an adorable top or a cute pair of jeans can suddenly make you feel unstoppable? It’s not a coincidence. With the perfect ensemble, you can take on the world.
I finish getting ready by the skin of my teeth. The doorbell rings as I slather on my last layer of mascara. I give myself a final look, take a deep breath, and answer.
A tailored shirt fits his broad chest and slim waist, a perfect complement to dark blue jeans. He holds out a single rose. “For you, milady.”
“You’re a goofball,” I say, taking it from his fingertips and bringing it to my nose.
“Well, you’re beautiful.”
My smile stretches a mile wide. If the date starts like this, I already know my cheeks will be sore by the end of it. He opens the car door and waits until I’m settled to jog to the other side. The new car scent fills my lungs. I’ve gotten used to the smell of exhaust and smoke in Jace’s truck. My heart aches for a split second, and then it’s gone.