Page 58 of P.S. I Hate You
A storm swirls in my gut as another orgasm appears on the horizon. He pulls me closer, ramming into me until I fall over the edge and plummet into pure pleasure. “Fuckin’ A,” he grits.
He steps back suddenly, tearing himself away. I fall to my knees as he wraps one fist in my hair and takes hold of his cock with the other. Purple and swollen, he pumps it hard, his head tipping back for just a moment before dropping forward.
“Fuck,” he pants again. His eyes want to close, but he forces them open. An evil grin tugs at his lips. His fingers tighten at the base of my scalp. Hot cum drips onto my face. He drops his hold and slaps my sticky cheek before bending down to sweep the towel off the floor.
“Shower’s all yours, princess.”
My lashes flap in the hot steam as I float down from my trance. A blast of cool air wafts across my naked skin as he opens the door and sees himself out. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that he gets off on humiliating me or the realization that I’m starting to like it.
I wipe my face and climb to my feet, but my legs stagger like a fawn just learning to walk. Bowlegged and weak, I feel as if I’ve just spent the afternoon horseback riding. I have five minutes to shower and get myself ready to meet Troy’s family, and all I want to do is crawl back into Jace’s bed and let him defile me again.
I shower in two minutes flat, then race to my room to find something suitable to wear. With no time to do my hair, I drench it in mousse and throw it in a high ponytail, letting the wet waves tumble down my back. Lenses inserted and lipgloss applied, I shove my feet into a pair of heels, and I’m on my way.
Troy’s Porsche idles in the drive. I fall into the passenger seat with a forced smile, the phantom feeling of Jace still vibrating between my thighs. “Sorry I took so long.”
“Your hair’s wet.”
I roll my eyes. “Oh, well excuse me. I left my magic wand in New York. I’d say I look pretty good considering.”
…Considering I spent more time getting the soul fucked out of me by Jace than actually getting ready to go out.
He sighs. “You look very pretty. I don’t mean to be a jerk. My dad’s dinner parties always stress me out.”
“I understand,” I say, resting my hand on his arm.
He offers me a dimpled grin, and my racing heart begins to slow. We aren’t together—I’ve made that clear—but I can’t help the guilt stewing in my veins, knowing I was bathed in another guy’s cum just minutes ago. The notion pulls the corners of my lips. I’m actuallysmilingover the vulgarity of it all.
Good Lord, who even am I?
Troy’s house sits high on a hill at the end of a long and twisty road. A sprawling estate nestled in the trees. Troy pulls around the curved driveway and parks in an open lot behind the house. The sound of trickling water pulls my attention as I step out. It runs down an embankment of rocks and leads to an oversized pool.
“This way.” Troy threads our fingers together and walks me toward the grand deck off the back of the house. Lazy fans spin simultaneously over the lush lounge furniture facing a fireplace embedded between two sets of double French doors. The view from up here is breathtaking. The endless forest stretches in all directions, the sun fading below the horizon. It feels as though I’m at the top of the Earth looking down from above. Yet, for some reason, my heart aches for the tiny porch and its two faded rockers, the setting for some of the best conversations of my life.
The low din of chatter wafts through the stark white kitchen. Various staff move about. My heels clack on the walnut floors. I move in closer to Troy, my opposite hand gripping his arm as we enter the dining room. “There he is!” A distinguished man with graying sideburns stands to greet us. He puts his arm around Troy’s shoulders. “You all remember my son, right?”
A round of greetings ripples across the open space. Troy smiles, his fingers tightening around mine as if to sayI won’t let you go. “Hey, everyone. This is Ellie.”
I offer a silent wave. Troy’s father extends his hand. “The enchanting Ellie Cartwright. Troy has told me all about you.”
“Has he?” I reply with a lifted brow.
“Don’t worry. I don’t believe a word of it,” he says with a wink.
Polite laughter spills off my tongue. I’ve been to enough of these boring dinners to last me a lifetime. I’m well aware of my place at this party. I’m a pretty face. A piece of arm candy. A conversation starter. No one cares to hear my voice. I’m merely the woman beside the man. That’s all I am to people like this.
Troy pulls out a seat and waits for me to sit before settling in beside me. “Where’s Mom?”
The ice clinks in Mr. McNamara’s glass as he lifts it to his lips. “Oh, you know your mother. Late as usual.” His remark drips with disdain. He takes another sip of his drink, then snaps hisfingers at the butler I didn’t notice was there until just now. With a curt nod, he disappears into the kitchen.
The bald man across from us rests his elbows on either side of his charger. “So Troy. Kevin tells us you’re on the fast track for Duke next year. Fine institution.”
“Yes, well. A legacy will get you far in life.”
Troy’s father clears his throat.
The woman beside the bald man speaks next. “And you … Miss …”
“Ellie,” I repeat. “I’m hoping to attend Parson’s in New York.”