Page 29 of Forsaken
“Holy shit. I’ve never seen you smiling for a picture before, let alone with a fine ass girl.” He whistles and pats me on the back, “who is she?”
“Someone who’s off limits,” I deadpan, gripping the phone a little harder.
“Whoa, you claiming that bro? Never thought I’d see the day.” He places his hands behind his head in amazement.
“I’m not claiming anything, just letting you know what the facts are. She’s my sister’s best friend and I don’t have time to hear how much of an asshole you are.” Again, not exactly a lie. Demi isn’t mine to claim and Amy would blow her shit if Ian fucked her over.
“So, no faith in your boy?” Ian shakes his head. “You know, you never told me who your daddy is. Just a name.”
“Yea, cause it doesn’t matter and that’s all you need to know.”
“And I thought I was your best friend,” Ian fake pouts.
I roll my eyes and go to pull up a picture of Kane.
“Talk about strong genes,” is Ian’s first reaction. Then his eyes go wide. “Holy shit! Your dad is Kane Peterson? The man who owns the biggest property development company in the world?”
“Unfortunately.” I had no idea exactly what Kane did, but this is my second time hearing this and makes sense why he can afford such a huge house in Los Angeles.
His face suddenly changes.
“So, you could’ve asked your old man for the money we needed this whole time? You think I like doing these boring ass drops all the time and selling double supply? You know how stressful that shit is?” He pushes me in the chest, but I push back harder.
“Since when the fuck did I come off as a begging ass dude?”
“It’s not begging, it's reparations. Didn’t think you were this fucking selfish.”
“Nah, me being selfish is asking him for the money, and then starting this club on my own. Let’s not forget that you had no desire to own a business and wanted to stay on the street for the rest of your life. I’m the one that showed you how going legit is better for you in the long run.”
“So you calling me charity now?”
“No. What I am saying is, this is supposed to be a legit come up so we can know we did this shit all on our own.”
“I don’t care how I get it, as long as I get it,” Ian says.
“I guess that’s the difference between me and you.”
“Whatever. Fuck you and this fucking club, how about that.” He starts walking back towards his truck, “good luck getting the rest of your deposit,friend. You’ll be running to daddy soon.”
“Fucking dumbass,” I say under my breath, brushing a hand through my hair and kicking a nearby trash can. He always finds a way to fuck shit up.
I call the realtor to reschedule our meeting, then schedule an Uber to take me to Kane’s BMW.
Chapter 15
Why did I send that?
I haven’t talked to Canon since that day on the beach, and I really wanted to know if anything changed between us.
That’s when I came up with the bright idea of sending him the picture we took.
He left me on read.
Now I’m awkwardly picking at my food while casually sneaking glances to where he sits at the other end of the dinner table.
His mood seems a little off seeing as he hasn’t even touched his food and is just slouching in his chair with a hood covering the top half of his face.