Page 5 of Oath of Submission
There’s a knock at the door and a voice I recognize. “It’s me.”
Mario, the youngest Rossi brother and my sworn ally in everything.
“Come in.”
I exhale a sigh of relief when I see him. “Thank goodness,” I say. “I need an ally here!”
Mario’s jovial eyes dance at me. “What’d you do now, Lena?” He tugs a lock of my hair affectionately. “Heard you got yourself in trouble and flirted with the club entrance?”
Romeo grunts. Apparently, he prefers we don’t talk aboutthe club.
“Hardly! I saved a poor woman running from a man who was going to hurt her, and these two are acting like I just tight-roped across a den of lions,” I say with a pout. I can’t help it. Mario has always given me what I wanted, the only one who reallylistensto me.
“There’s more, boss,” Amadeo says.
“There is!” I say, like a fractious child. “He grabbed my wrist!”
Romeo lifts a brow. “He has permission to physically restrain you if you don’t do what he says and your life is in danger.”
I snort. “Mylifewasn’t in danger! I was in thecrystal shop.I—”
“Salvatore Capo,” Amadeo interrupts me.
The entire atmosphere of the room changes.
Romeo’s demeanor shifts on a dime. He goes from concerned older brother to calculating Don in seconds. His voice chills me. “What about him?”
“He came into the shop, boss. He talked to her. She lied to him when she hid the girl.”
Romeo’s eyes narrow to slits as he turns to me.
Mario groans. “No, Lena…”
“Correction, little sister,” Romeo hisses. “Your lifewasin danger. What were you thinking? SalvatoreCapo,of all the fucking men you could’ve crossed! Do you have any idea who you’re playing with?”
When Mario looks at me, I don’t see the camaraderie I hope for, but fear and sadness. “Marialena,” he says softly. Reproachfully. My belly churns.
“What?” My heart beats so fast I feel nauseous. I knew the man I saw was dangerous and powerful, but I had no idea who he was. What has he done to inspire fear in the most fearless men I know?
I’ve never heard the name, but my brothers’ reactions tell me everything.
“Salvatore Capo was released from jail a month ago after an eight-year stint for assault, battery, and murder. The person he murdered was his betrothed. Her crime? She cheated on him.”
I blink. I swallow. I try to speak, but my voice is a whisper. “How can anyone only serve eight years for that?” I ask. I shove my hands onto my lap to hide the trembling.
“Don’t be so naïve. Any other man would’ve served life, you know that.” There is no death penalty in Massachusetts. Romeo shakes his head, dismissing the question, and I understand why. I’m a Rossi. I understand how this works. With enough power and money, everything’s negotiable, including jail time.
“Well, I didn’t really…doanything.”
“Enough.” Now Romeodoessound like my father, and my own temper rises.
“Way to act like our father,” I say through clenched teeth. “Shutting me down and not letting me speak. You—”
“Youhave no idea who you’re dealing with,” Romeo says, his voice rising. “You have no idea the danger you’re in.” He raises a finger to make a point, and his hand trembles with anger as he lifts his phone and presses a button. His voice is tight when he orders, “Call a full meeting of the entire inner sanctum in my office. I want those overseas on video. Ten minutes. I’m calling a state of emergency.”
State of emergency?
Well, shit.