Page 16 of Pretty Spiteful
“What’s up with you tonight?” Hawk asks, nudging me with his knee. We’re sitting in two armchairs, slightly off to the side, away from the others so they can’t overhear our hushed conversation. “You’re disturbingly quiet.” Before I can wave away his concern, he brings up the one topic I without a doubt do not want to discuss. “Is this about Emilia being back?”
God fucking dammit, I only just stopped thinking about her.
“She’s not back,” I hiss furiously. “She’s being forced to hide out at our house, but as soon as this stalker is taken care of, she’ll go running right back to her idyllic little life in wherever the fuck city she came from.”
“So, her unexpected appearance doesn’t bother you?”
I glower at his cocked brow. “No.”
A round of cheers goes up from the other side of the room as someone lands a bullseye, and Hawk glances in that direction before refocusing on me and asking in a quieter tone, “What do you think of this whole stalker business?”
I shrug. He explained to me this morning everything Kai and Hadley had told him last night, but Emilia hasn’t been a part of my life for four years. I don’t know anything about her now; who she hangs out with or what guy she might have performed her witchy voodoo on and lured under her spell until he was so fucking obsessed with her he had to threaten and kill every man she got close to.
“I think if you don’t wanna end up like her last boyfriend, you better keep your distance.”
He scoffs. “I have no intention of getting close. It’s you I’m worried about.”
“Well, don’t be. She’s nothing but an annoying house guest. Hopefully, Kai will find her stalker soon, and she can fuck off back to wherever she came from.”
“Right,” Hawk snarks with a snort. “An annoying house guest who you nearly choked to death this morning.”
“I was just… taken by surprise. She’s the last person I expected to find in our kitchen. Next time I’ll be prepared.”
Hawk quirks a brow, a devilish smirk playing along his lips. “I’m not sure if I should be reassured or concerned, but either way, I hope I’m there to see it.”
“Whatever.” Wholly fucking done with this conversation, I knock back the last of my beer and check the time on my phone. I’m a few minutes early, but I can’t fucking sit here any longer. “I’m calling it a night.” Getting to my feet, I don’t wait for Hawk to try and talk me into one more beer before heading for the door.
I saunter casually through the long corridors toward the library. The frat house is a large colonial-style mansion, complete with a copious chapter room and dining hall, library, private study areas, four lounge areas, a state-of-the-art gym, forty bedrooms, and, of course, a swimming pool.
After Robbie told me about the Clearwaters’ history with Kappa Epsilon, I convinced Hawk to rush with me. Okay, so maybe Hadley twisted his arm—have I mentioned that he wasn’t such a big fan of mine back then? It was hardly my fault, in any case. He was pissed because his parents and my father had made an agreement for me to marry Hadley. And maybe I didn’t totally hate the idea. I mean, Hadley’s hot, and she had a look in her eye I recognized. One only someone who’s been through similar shit to you could identify. It made me curious, but the four guys marking their territory like lions prowling around their lioness, and the big brother who made it clear with one look he’d tear me limb from limb if I made one wrong move toward his sister, was a little off-putting. I’m all for a challenge, but attempting to go after Hadley would have been as dangerous for my health as begging the gods to smite me with a bolt of lightning—guaranteed death.
Instead, Hadley and I became friends. More than that, even. She’s more like a sister to me. She gets me in a way no one ever has, and even now, she recognizes when I’m close to the edge. I’m a lot better than I used to be, but some days the memories of my past are closer to the surface than others. And on those days, you better not fucking cross me.
As I walk, my fingers brush lightly along my side, where my skin is toughened and uneven as images of my past—scorching heat, flames, blood—flicker unwantedly across my mind. As always, when I think about that night, sweat gathers along my hairline and down my spine, and my breathing turns ragged.
It’s only when I notice a student walking toward me that I manage to pull myself out of my downward spiral. Snatching my hand away, I drag my thoughts back to the present and stare down the guy heading my way until he picks up the pace, scarpering past me like he thinks I’m about to slam him against the wall. Given my current head space, that’s not a complete impossibility.
Reaching the library, I falter outside the door and glance around before cautiously opening it and peering in. Not seeing anyone, I open the door wider and step into the room, looking around the deserted space. The walls are lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, with more breaking the room up into various aisles. Reading nooks and study desks spread out around them, and the dimly lit wall sconces cast shadows in the corners of the room. Combined with the musty smell of old books, it might appear comforting if the knowledge of the ominous note wasn’t burning a hole in my pocket.
The floorboards creak beneath my shoes as I walk further into the room, peering down aisles. “Hello?”
My brows scrunch, and I pull the note out of the back pocket of my pants, re-reading it once again.
Midnight.Kappa Epsilon Library.
Right time.Right place.
Wrong date?
I rake my eyes over the piece of card, as if expecting more words to magically appear. Unsurprisingly, they don’t, and I’m left frowning at it as I try to figure out what I’m missing.
I’m still staring at the card when the sharp click of a door locking resonates around the room, and I snap my head up to look at the door I just entered. I traverse the room with quick strides and begin yanking on the door handle, but it doesn’t give.
Before I can put more force behind my attempts, a hissing sound from behind me has me spinning around, and I find mist pouring in from a vent high up in the wall.What the fuckity fuck?
The effects of the gas hit me immediately, making me feel lightheaded and woozy. My brain goes fuzzy as I take an unstable step away from the door and the vent. Another couple of steps, and I collapse to my knees, fighting desperately to stay conscious as whatever the fuck I’m poisoned with seeps into my system.
I crawl across the room on my hands and knees, but I already know it’s pointless. There’s no other exit, and as darkness creeps across the edges of my vision and my limbs turn heavy, I know I only have seconds left until I succumb.