Page 23 of Pretty Spiteful
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, finding a text from Wilder.Meeting Robbie so can’t make lunch. Catch up later at the frat.
What the hell? That’s the second day in a row he’s skipped lunch with us to hang out with his cousin. It’s fine, except henevermisses a chance to hang out with Hadley and the guys. Lunch and our once-a-month Sunday dinners are the only opportunities the seven of us get to catch up.
I’ve met Robbie briefly a few times. He’s never shown much interest in hanging out with all of us. Personally, I think he’s a bit standoffish. I’ve never warmed to him, but he’s Wilder’s cousin, so I’ve kept my mouth shut. Wilder’s never talked much about his family. I know from personal experience that his father is a piece of shit, but the rest of his family is a mystery to me. The fact that Wilder had no idea that his cousin was enrolled at Ridgeway would imply to me that they’re also a mystery to him.
As someone who initially hated his sister when he found out she existed, I’m not one to judge, and I’m sure as hell not going to stand in Wilder’s way if he wants to get to know his family. I understand better than most just how important family is—and how fucked in the head they can be.
Pocketing my phone as I stride into the campus dining hall, I grab food before dumping my ass into a chair beside Hadley at our regular lunch table.
“Are anyone else’s classes kicking their asses already?” I grumble, already back to thinking about the mountain of work waiting for me in my room.
Hadley shrugs. “My zombie apocalypse class isn’t too bad.”
All I can do is roll my eyes and bite my tongue. Hadley seems to have made it her life’s mission to find the weirdest courses Ridgeway offers.
Sometimes I envy her, but then I just feel like a dickhead because, after a childhood spent in captivity, she’s only now getting the opportunity to find herself. Something I’ve had the luxury of my entire life, and yet I took it for granted. I’ve had an entire lifetime of being an irresponsible kid, doing dumb shit with my friends, and basically being angry at the world for the shit hand I thought I’d been dealt—if only I’d known then just how good I actually had it.
Now, I’m trying to make better choices. Trying to be the brother I never had the opportunity to be when we were growing up. Trying to appreciate everything I’ve been given in life and forge my own path.
“What the hell does one even learn in a zombie apocalypse class?” Cam—one of Hadley’s boyfriends—asks, dropping his tray on the table as he takes a seat opposite her. “It’s gotta be the easiest A ever. I’m still pissed you didn’t tell me about the class before I submitted my choices for this year. I could really do with an easy A.”
“Itriedto tell you,” Hadley grouses.
“You need to stop trying to tell me this shit during sex. You know I’m not listening!”
“Eww.” Grabbing a chip from my tray, I chuck it at Cam. “Fucking gross! Do younotsee me sitting right here?!”
Cam smirks. “Cover your ears then, you big baby.”
“How’s Emilia coping?” Mason asks when he joins us, taking the seat beside me.
Taking a bite of my burger, I just shrug my shoulder, not having any other response. To answer that, I’d actually have to spend more than five minutes with her. Except, Mason stares at me until I’m finished chewing, his eyebrow quirked with impatience.
“What?” I bite out. “How would I know? I’ve been here all week.”
“You haven’t checked in on her once?” Mason’s lips purse in obvious disappointment, making me scowl.
“Kai’s with her. She’s fine.”
His expression clearly sayssure, whatever you say, and I feel the need to tack on, “Someonehad to stay on campus and keep an eye on Wilder.”
“Oh, yeah?” Mason makes a point of looking around. “Where is he then?”
My frown only deepens. “Not coming.”
“Again?” Hadley questions with a frown. “That’s not like him.”
Yeah, no shit.
I get that Emilia’s presence at the house has thrown him, but that doesn’t explain why he would skip out on our lunches.
Unless he’s avoiding fielding the same Emilia questions I’m left to face from Hadley and the guys.
Yeah, that’s probably what it is.Even mentioning her name is likely to send him into a fit of rage that will devastate the dining hall.
“How bad has he been?” Hadley asks, worrying her bottom lip.
“How do you think, Hads?” I turn my head to look at her, my voice softening when I see her pained expression. “He was alone with her for five minutes, and he had her pinned against the kitchen counter, his hand around her throat while her lips turned blue. More than that, he’s refused to talk about her all week. Won’t even acknowledge her existence. So, yeah, I think it’s safe to say he didn’t react well to finding her in his house.”