Page 37 of Pretty Spiteful
“Uhhh.” I wrack my brain for a second before his face floats to the surface and recognition dawns. “Yeah, the guy that was in my Literature and Ethics class who kept asking me out for coffee even when I told him I wasn’t interested?”
Kai nods. “Well, guess where he moved to after graduation.”
“Uhh, the same city as me?”
He smiles. “Try the same apartment building.”
My eyes round as I stare at him in shock. “Are you shitting me?!”
He chuckles. “I am not. He’s renting an apartment four floors below yours.”
“What are the chances of that?”
Excitement has me practically bouncing up and down in my seat as I grin broadly. “So what do we do now?” I ask hopefully, picturing us hunting this sicko down and making him regret ever taking the same class as me.
“Well, I need to do my due diligence first,” Kai says, holding his hands up in a clear gesture for me to chill. “I have I’s to dot and T’s to cross.”
I frown. “What does that mean?”
“It means we can’t jump the gun and accuse the wrong person of stalking you,” Hawk interjects. “Not only could it be detrimental for this guy if he’s actually innocent, but it will alert the real stalker to the fact that we’re looking for them and could draw their attention here, meaning you would no longer be safe.”
“Okay,” I begin slowly, drawing out the word as I direct my attention back to Kai. “How long will it take you to do yourdue diligence?”
“No more than a day or two,” he assures. “Just sit tight for another couple of days, then we can hopefully make a move.”
“Two days,” I say aloud, mostly to myself. “I can do that.”
The rest of dinner goes by in easy conversation and even a few laughs. Kai and Hawk banter back and forth, their effortless friendship clear to see. I mainly sit and watch them, listening to stories of the people they’ve helped through Hawk’s outreach program, and for a few hours, I actually manage to forget all about the worry plaguing me.
* * *
By the next morning,the light banter from the night before has disappeared, and I wake up early after a restless night of sleep. The thought that we could be so close to catching this guy has me all worked up and on edge, and yet, it wasn’t thoughts of him that kept me awake last night. It was the thought of leaving here. Of leaving Hawk, and Wilder, and even Kai. Of going back to my life far removed from Hadley and the guys.
The last two weeks haven’t been easy. In fact, I think it’s safe to say they’ve been the worst two weeks of my life. Despite that, I’ve felt more alive than I have in years. Even my run-ins with Wilder, while terrifying, have also been exhilarating in a way I can’t explain. But every time I’m around him—and Hawk, and admittedly even Kai—this humming sensation starts up beneath my skin. It’s like I’m a live wire just waiting for the current of electricity only they can provide to make me feel animated.
I’m sure I look like shit, with my bedhead and haggard appearance, still in my pajamas with zero fucks to give when I step into the kitchen. I momentarily pause when I find Kai already at the kitchen table, an empty cup of coffee beside him and wholly engrossed in whatever is on his laptop.
He glances up at me, and I see the dark rings under his eyes that most likely resemble mine.God, did he go to sleep at all last night?Something both soothing and guilt-ridden blooms in my chest, seeing how hard he is working to help me.It’s his job,I remind myself, but the illogical part of my brain isn’t listening. She’s too busy fawning over the fact that no one has ever gone to such lengths to ensure my safety the way he has these last few weeks. And I know it’s more than just tracking down leads on his laptop. I’ve heard him on the phone, barking orders to people. He’s doing everything within his power to keep me out of my stalker’s hands. There’s something incredibly sexy about that. About watching a man take charge and do what’s necessary to protect those in his care.
“How long have you been up?” I ask, moving to grab his empty coffee cup so I can refill it.
“Never went to sleep,” he mumbles, not taking his attention away from the screen in front of him.
“Kai,” I chastise. “You need sleep.”
“You need answers more.”
I shake my head. “You shouldn’t put me above your health.”
Something in my tone has him shifting his gaze to me, and he smiles softly. “One night of no sleep won’t kill me, Em.”
Not seeing the point in arguing with him, I instead ask, “Have you had any luck?”
His shoulders drop, an apology in his eyes. “Not yet, but I will. Just be patient a little longer, okay?”
I chew on my bottom lip anxiously but nod anyway and move to refill his cup and grab one for myself.