Page 40 of Pretty Spiteful
By the time Hawk returns, I look as casual as a sloth on a Sunday as I give him a broad grin.
He frowns.
Oh, right, we were in awkward territory when he stepped out.
Jumping to my feet, I clap him on the shoulder. “Well, it’s been real, but I’ve gotta get to class.”
Not hanging around, I hurry out of his office, not taking a full breath until I dive into the back of a taxi, blurting out where I want to go and barking at him to put the foot down.
My foot taps against the floor of the cab with a nervous energy the entire way to Ridgeway. The USB drive feels like it’s burning a hole in my pocket, and I keep staring at my phone, expecting it to light up with Hawk’s name, him calling to demand why the hell I defiled our friendship.
When I finally step out of the car on campus and my phone still hasn’t rung, I suck in a deep breath.Maybe I actually got away with it.
“Wilder! Hey!”
My head snaps up, my gaze widening as Hadley strides toward me.
Oh, fuck! I did not get away with it. Hawk decided to sic Hadley on me instead. Abort mission! I repeat, abort mission!
She glances at the taxi as it pulls away, her brows furrowing. “Where were you?”
“Went to see Hawk before class.”
She smiles, and fuck does it not make me feel sick to my fucking stomach because, now, I haven’t only betrayed Hawk. I’ve betrayed her, too. Betraying Sunshine is the very last thing I’d ever want to do. I’d rather cut off my own arm with a rusty saw.
“Good. He says you’ve been spending a lot of time on campus recently. I think he misses you at the house.” She smirks, and I force out a strangled laugh.
“Just making the most of my senior year, Sunshine.” I sling an arm over her shoulder, directing her away from the parking lot.
She spears me with adon’t try that bullshit with meexpression, and I paste a wide grin on my face.
Her eyes narrow, her gaze searching me for a moment before she says, “You’re acting weird.”
I snort. “What’s new?”
“Weirder than normal.”
“I’m fine,” I grouse.
Her lips purse as she continues to stare up at me, and I begin to sweat beneath her scrutiny.She knows. She fucking knows!
“Is Emilia’s presence really that bothersome?”
My shoulders practically hit the asphalt as relief sweeps over me.She thinks I’m acting weird because of Emilia. Phew.
“Yes, actually, it is.”
“You could just accept her apology, and the two of you could move forward with your lives.”
I’m fairly certain my deadpan expression tells her precisely how likely that is to happen.
“I’m just saying,” she says, holding up her hands.
“Well, don’t. I’ll deal with Emilia how I see fit.” I pull her to a stop outside one of the campus buildings without even bothering to check if it’s the right one. “Anyway, I’ve got class”—I gesture toward the building beside us—“I’ll catch you later, Sunshine.”
With a quick kiss to her cheek, I hurry off before she can grill me any more about Emilia or my ‘weird mood’.