Page 57 of Pretty Spiteful
Swiping a hand down my face, I shake my head, trying to clear it and gain some perspective. Perspective that isn’t the image of Emilia bent over in that shop on that fucking pervert’s phone.God, I should have done worse than give that fucker a black eye.
Reaching the house, I park outside and relax back into my seat, exhaling a long breath. I need to calm the fuck down before I go in there. The way Emilia looks at me sometimes, like I’m her port in the hurricane, her safety net when everything around her is spinning out of control… I can’t let her see me like this, so on edge and frenzied.
I still can’t fully explain my actions tonight. The anger behind them or the overwhelming protective urge I felt, but I do realize that something about it felt right, purposeful. It’s been a very long time since I felt anything resembling that—that need to protect what’s yours.
I’m aware that this job is turning into more than a job, and I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do to stop it. I’m on this train now. I’m along for the ride, and so long as I keep Emilia safe from her stalker as well as Hawk and Wilder, I guess I’ll find out the destination when we get there.
When I once again feel calm, I get out of the car and head into the house. The porch and hall are dimly lit, and through the partially open door of the living room, I can see the flickering lights from the television. Moving toward them, I push open the door and peer in. My eyes immediately land on Emilia. She’s lying across the couch, her head in Hawk’s lap, sound asleep.
Lifting my gaze, I find Hawk staring at me. His brows are slightly furrowed, and I stiffen beneath his scrutiny. “How is she?”
“Okay, considering. She passed out from one too many glasses of wine about an hour ago. She’ll have a hangover in the morning, but hopefully she’ll actually get some sleep.”
I nod, dropping my gaze to her peaceful form. The lines usually prevalent around her eyes have smoothed out in her sleep, making her appear peaceful. It reminds me of how she looked earlier today, except without her glowing smile.
“How did tonight go?”
Not taking my gaze off her, I answer, “He’s not our guy.”
Hawk takes a moment to absorb that information. “Tomorrow, we’ll sit down and go through everything from the top.”
I nod. “I’ll carry her up to bed.” Crossing the room, I bend so I can slip an arm behind her knees and another under her back. Hawk’s hand, slung across the back of the sofa, moves to brush a strand of hair out of her face, his fingers lingering on her jaw before he withdraws.
I lift her up into my arms, and she shifts in my hold until her face is pressed against the front of my shirt. I tighten my arms around her as I duck my head in goodnight to Hawk before striding out of the room.
I take my time ascending the stairs, partly because I don’t want to rock her too much or accidentally knock her feet or shoulder against the wall, but also because I’m enjoying the feel of her in my arms. The way she rubs her nose against my top in her sleep and her contented groans.
“Mmm,” she hums sleepily, making me chuckle. I glance down to find her wearing an untroubled smile that I feel all the way to the depths of my soul. It’s the same one she wore earlier today on our hike, and I find myself promising to do whatever it takes to make her smile like that every day when this is all over.
All too soon, we reach her bedroom door, and I nudge it open with my elbow before stepping inside. Being careful not to jostle her, I lower her down onto her bed. As I go to pull away, she fists my shirt in her hands. “Don’t go,” she mumbles in her sleep. Her lower lip pushes out in a pout, drawing my attention to her lips, and I swallow back a laugh. “Please.” Her tone sounds pleading and desperate, and before I’ve thought through what I’m doing, I shift her over so I can lay on the bed beside her.
“Shhh,” I soothe, stroking her hair and watching in fascination as she relaxes beneath my touch. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Rolling onto her side, she wriggles against me until she finds a comfy spot that has her head resting in the middle of my chest. Hesitantly, I wrap my arm around her and relax back against the headboard. Staring down at her, I watch as she sleeps soundlessly, unable to put words to the warm feeling in my chest that slowly radiates outward.
If I had any doubts that this case was different—thatshewas different—they are obliterated with every passing second she’s in my arms until my eyes grow heavy and eventually slide shut. Just before I fall asleep, a single thought passes through my mind. A promise.I won’t let the same thing happen to you.
Iwake with a groan, lifting a hand to press against my pounding temple.Oh, God. I feel like I’m dying.Even the simple act of rolling onto my back sends my stomach into an uproar, threatening to revolt as the thudding behind my eyes beats to a faster tune.What the hell happened last night?
Refusing to open my eyes because I know it will make my body hate me even more, I walk myself through my hazy memories of yesterday. I remember my hike with Kai, then running into Steven and freaking out on Kai on the car journey home.
When we arrived back here, I rushed up to my room, desperately needing a shower to scrub off the filth left behind by Steven’s leer, which is when Hawk came knocking. I’d been putting off going back downstairs. I knew Kai would be infix-itmode, demanding answers and doing whatever it took to either confirm Steven was my stalker or rule him out once and for all.
I smile at the memory of finding Hawk at my bedroom door. I’d assumed it was Kai checking on me, and honestly, I’d been both apprehensive and disappointed to find Hawk. However, when he held out a bowl containing all my favorite sweets, he tempted me downstairs with the promise of chocolate, alcohol, and whatever movie I wanted… Well, who was I to say no? If he was pretending the bathroom incident never happened, then I could do the same.
Of course, one glass of wine turned into two, which turned into two full bottles. Then before I knew it, neither of us was watching the movie, and things had taken a turn for the dangerous.
“Truth or dare.”
“Hell no,” I shake my head, even though it makes the room spin, and I nearly tilt sideways off the sofa. A drunken giggle escapes as I right myself.
“Okay. Truth for a truth, then.”
I chew on my bottom lip before nodding. “Fine, but you first.”