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For the second time in five minutes, my jaw drops. "How the fuck did you guess that?"
She grins, looking incredibly pleased with herself. "Your cauliflower ear. My gut reaction was wrestler, but you're too lean for that."
I can only gawk at her. And when I finally find the words, all I manage to say is, "Are you sure you're not just stalking me?"
She chuckles and lifts the camera up to capture a picture of the group of sorority girls a few feet away from us. "Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy. I don't have the patience for stalking. Besides, if I wanted you, I'd just take you."
My dick twitches again.Who the fuck is this girl…
This time when she looks at me, I can see the mischief sparking in her eyes. And with her next words, I know exactly why.
"Wanna see something really cool?"
I quirk an eyebrow at her. "Why does that question make me think 'cool' means 'illegal'?"
Her grin stretches even wider. "I plead ignorance. Come on, I'm sure you've done crazier things."
I sigh and shake my head. "You're already trouble and I don't even know your name."
Her eyes twinkle again. "Help me with this, and maybe I'll give you more than just my name."
My body automatically jumps into action before my brain can process what the hell that might mean. And then I'm following her through the courtyard and toward one of the older buildings on the far end of campus.
She doesn't say a word as we walk down the path between buildings. I don't really mind the silence because it allows me to stay a step behind and admire her from there.
And there's a lot to admire.
"In here," she says when we reach one of the old Liberal Arts buildings. I haven't been in here since my GenEd classes freshman year, and even then, I wasn’t entering through the emergency exit.
I quirk an eyebrow at where she's holding the door open and ushering me inside. "If I get expelled the semester before graduation, I'm going to be pissed."
She lets out a laugh. "Stop worrying. We can'tnotbe in here, we just…shouldn'tbe in here."
I sigh. "I'll be sure to tell my lawyer that." But even still, I follow her into the empty stairwell.
We climb all the way to the top. Which ends up being nine flights of stairs.
"Jesus Christ, woman, I was not prepared for this," I pant, leaning on the railing as my quads light on fire.
Of course, she's barely even breathing. "Come on, I thought you were a big bad fighter? Aren't you guys supposed to be some of the most in-shape athletes out there?"
"I'm equipped to lift a two-hundred-pound man over my head and slam him, not to hike a skyscraper," I grumble.
She looks over her shoulder, and I catch the smirk on her lips. "It'll be worth it, I promise.”
Motivation unlocked.
When we finally reach the top, we step into a narrow hallway, at the end of which we find another stairwell. As we scale the steps, I look around in confusion. "Wait a minute, the elevator only goes to the seventh floor in this building. What does this lead to?"
She yanks open the door at the top with a grin. "The best view on campus."
And sure enough, we walk out on the roof and find exactly that.
"Holy shit," I breathe.