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12:09pm D: Good. Just finishing up some editing.
12:09pm D: Your semester still isn't over? I thought you'd be done for winter break.
12:11pm A: Finals review. I'm done this week, thank god.
12:15pm D: Ah
12:18pm D: And next semester is your last?
12:20pm A: Yeah but technically I only have my internship, so it's not like the class kind of semester. I'm just working.
12:24pm D: Oh ok. Makes sense.
12:29pm A: Did you ever consider going to college?
12:33pm D: For a split second. Then I realized I hate classrooms.
12:38pm A: I can only imagine how much you would argue with some of these professors
12:42pm D: I definitely wouldn't be getting A's
12:45pm A: Haha
12:47pm A: What are you doing for Christmas? Any fun plans?
12:52pm D: Nothing too exciting. I spend Christmas Eve with my parents and then Christmas Day we get the entire family together for the usual festivities.
12:53pm D: You?
12:58pm A: Kinda same. Minus the big family, since it's just me and dad. But we always spend Christmas Day together drinking beer and watching the 'best of' fights
1:01pm D: That sounds like a lot of fun
1:03pm A: It is. Between you and me, it's my favorite day of the year.
1:05pm D: Lol I won't tell
1:07pm D: Get back to studying. Text me when you're done finals and can celebrate.
1:09pm A: Yes ma'am
* * *
December 13
2:43pm Aiden: I'm DONEEEEE
2:58pm Dani: Lol congratulations. Wanna celebrate?
3:00pm A: I would like nothing more than to celebrate this academic achievement by putting my face between your legs. You around?
3:03pm D: I'm home. Come over.
* * *
December 19
9:12pm Aiden: Hey you around?