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Dani cocks an eyebrow. "No? You think you could hold out long enough to get me home instead?"
A cocky grin stretches across my face. I lean forward slowly and get close enough to her that my quietly spoken words brush air across her ear and make her shiver. "Not a chance. I'd just lift you into my arms and bounce you on my cock instead."
I can practically feel the shiver run through her. "You're evil," she hisses. "I still have to take some pictures of City Hall itself before I'm done today, and now I have to do it while I'm distracted by the promise of an orgasm later." Her eyes narrow at me. "That better be a promise of an orgasm later."
I let out a laugh. "I might be evil enough to send you back to work with drenched panties, but I'm not evil enough to deprive you of an eventual orgasm."
She seems satisfied with my answer because she nods and asks, "So then what are you doing here then? I'm assuming you texted and I didn't answer."
I shrug. "I know. But I also know you never eat when you're working—or even after you finish, since you get excited and go straight to editing—so I figured I'd bring you some food." I can't help smirking as I add, "And not even because I need you to have energy later. This is strictly the selfless act of a friend."
"Selfless, huh?" Dani says in a disbelieving tone. "Not because it takes all of my energy and concentration to not choke to death when your gigantic dick is in my mouth?"
I can only blink at that. "That… is not how I thought this conversation was going to go."
She lets out a happy laugh, the sound ringing through the air and making my heart squeeze.
I don't realize I’m just standing there in silence until she cocks an eyebrow and gestures with her hand. When I can only look at her in confusion, she says, "Well? What'd you bring me?"
That snaps me to attention. I bring my backpack around so I can unzip it and pull the cheesesteak out. Before I can even hand it to her, Dani's grabbing it and asking in a breathless voice, "You got me Dalessandro's?"
I can't help chuckling at her excitement. "I did. Had some time before I head to the gym. Whiz wit, right?"
Her eyes widen in surprise that I know how she likes her cheesesteaks.
I don't tell her I remember every detail she's ever shared with me about herself. That I eat it up like the starved fighter I am.
But she's not watching me to see that secret flit across my face. She's too busy opening the wrapping and taking a massive bite of the sandwich, letting out a huge moan when the flavor hits her tongue. A few people even turn around when they hear it, but, in true Philadelphian fashion, when they see the cheesesteak in her hand, understanding dawns on their faces and they turn back toward the mayor.
She goes to take another bite but pauses when she sees my rough swallow. Her eyes narrow in suspicion. "What? Don't tell me this is turning you on. I refuse to add cheesesteaks to our sex life. Most I'll allow is whipped cream. Or strawberries.Oooh, I've always wanted to try chocolate syrup, too."
I quirk an eyebrow at her rambling. "When was the last time you ate? You just had an orgasm over fruit. Who are you and what have you done with my Dani?"
And then suck in a breath at my slip.
But she obviously didn't hear me because she's too busy taking another big bite of the cheesesteak and waving me off with a hand. "It's always like this when I have to shoot. It helps me focus when I'm hungry, like the ache makes me a little sharper."
When she takes another bite, and when I once again swallow visibly, she frowns at me. "Seriously, what's wrong with you?"
I shuffle uncomfortably where I stand. "I, uh… I'm a little hungry," I admit. "The smell is kind of killing me."
"Oh my God!" she exclaims, quickly wrapping up the cheesesteak.
I stop her with a hand on hers. "No, don't. It's fine. I want you to eat."
She doesn't resume eating, but she does pause what she's doing and give me a skeptical look. "I totally forgot you're cutting weight now. Why did you even bring me one then?"
I put my hands back in the pockets of my joggers and shrug. "I knew it was your favorite and that you probably needed to eat," I answer simply.
For a moment, she only stares at me. Then she shakes her head and continues wrapping the sandwich. "You're such an idiot. Now I have to give you the blowjob of all blowjobs tonight to say thank you."
A grin slowly stretches across my face. "This selfless act is turning out better and better for me."
She pins me with a suspicious look. "It's meeting the definition less and less, pretty boy." When my smile doesn't dim a single watt, she sighs and gently shoves my shoulder. "Get out of here. I'll see you later tonight."
The smile doesn't leave my face the entire walk to the gym.
* * *