Page 11 of Lock Me Inside
I’m about twenty minutes into my walk when the sudden blaring of a horn behind me makes me jump. I look to my left in time to find a now familiar truck speeding by, with Colt and Nix laughing as they pass. I don’t know if I want them to stop or if I’d rather they keep going.
As it turns out, it doesn’t matter what I want because Nix doesn’t so much as ease up on the gas pedal, rocketing them off fast enough that the taillights are nothing but pinpoints in almost no time at all.
I wonder if I could get lucky enough for them to crash that stupid truck.
Staring at the computer screen, I squint my eyes, trying to read the job ads, which keep getting more blurry. How long have I been staring at my computer? According to my eyesight, way too long.
Closing all the tabs, I turn off my laptop and push up from my desk. I grab a book from my nightstand and flop down on my bed. Maybe a good book will put me in a better mood before I go to bed.
At least my mom didn’t throw out my novels. I can still get lost in the pages like I did when I slept in that tiny room in the trailer. I still can’t believe how my life has changed so quickly.
Two months ago, I was living with my mom at a trailer park, and now I’m in the Alistairs’ home. My mom is in the other room, busy with wedding preparations, and my arch-enemies are playing video games downstairs.
I didn’t particularly like our living arrangements before, but at least I felt safe in my own home. I slept in my bed surrounded by my things. This house is bathed in luxury, but the sleek design of the house, decorated with pristine furniture and extravagant art, feels more like a showroom than a place to live.
Everything about this house feels off. The rooms feel colder, and I don’t mean the temperature kind of cold. I mean, this doesn’t feel like a home. In a home, people love each other, happy memories are made, and you don’t go to sleep in fear.
I’m not welcome here and don’t think I ever will be.
Burrowing into my pillow, I flip open the book and read until my eyelids feel heavy, and each turn of the page takes more effort than the one before. I don’t want to stop, though, because when I’m reading, I leave the world around me and dive into a new one. For a few hours, I live someone else’s life. For those moments, my problems don’t exist, and I can be free.
I’m just about to doze off when a loud banging on my door has me jumping up from my bed, letting the book fall to the floor next to me. “What?” I ask breathlessly, grabbing my chest as if my heart is about to burst through.
“Get ready. We’re going to a party, and you’re coming,” Nix tells me through the door.
What? Did he just say party?He’s just messing with me again. One of his cruel jokes.
“Um, I’m okay. I’m in bed already.”
“Get dressed, or you’re going naked. We’re leaving in five minutes.”
I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It’s already nine thirty, which I realize is probably not that late for a normal teenager.
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” My words are barely out when the door flies open, and the two brothers waltz into my room.
My pulse doubles in speed.
“Get out!” I yell, wishing I had wedged my chair under the door.
Both guys ignore me completely. Nix goes to my closet while Colt heads straight for me.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Instead of answering me, he reaches for the hem of my nightshirt and pulls it up in one swift move. I’m so caught off guard that I don’t have time to fight him, not that I would have a chance anyway.
He pulls the shirt off my body and throws it carelessly behind him. I’m left standing in nothing but my shorts. I lift my arms and wrap them around my boobs as fast as I can but not before Colt gets a good look. The corner of his mouth lifts up into a mischievous grin.
“Don’t flatter yourself. It’s not like there’s much to cover up.”
Not wanting him to see how hurt I am by his comment, I turn away from him, looking for something to cover up with. It’s only when I hear the soft gasp behind me that I realize my mistake.
I just exposed the ugliest part of me. My boobs might be small, but at least they’re normal-looking, unlike my back. Multiple surgeries on my spine have left me with a large, ragged scar running down the center of my back. I didn’t know it then, but the moment I fell, a lumbar vertebrae fracture ended my career. No one has ever seen it besides the doctors and my mom. And I wasn’t planning on ever showing anybody. I always make sure my clothes cover my back completely, so no one catches sight of this monstrosity. Now a guy who picks on all my flaws, no matter how tiny, has seen the biggest one of all.
“Here, put this on.” Nix’s voice booms through the space moments before some balled-up fabric hits me in my shoulder.
Quickly, I lean down and grab it. Without even looking at what it is, I pull it over my body frantically. Only once my skin is covered do I look down and realize he gave me a summer dress.