Page 61 of Lock Me Inside
Finally, it sinks in. He’s been obsessed with my ass all this time, hasn’t he? Teasing, joking about them taking it at some point.
It looks like that’s James’s plan for tonight’s grand finale. “You’re kidding. You want me to wear this?”
“It’s either that, or you go into it without getting stretched. It’s up to you.” Nix then adds something else: a bottle of what is clearly labeled Personal Lubricant. This just gets better and better.
“We really are trying to help you,” Colt tells me. “You can either be stubborn and refuse it, or you can be smart and help yourself out a little bit. Your choice.”
I can’t believe this. I honestly can’t.
“Don’t be so nervous.” Nix waves a hand, motioning for me to get up. “I’ll help you. Don’t worry.” He smirks when I gasp in a mixture of surprise and horror. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
It’s either this or letting them hurt me later. When I think of it that way, there really isn’t much of a choice to be made, is there? I doubt this will be very comfortable, but the discomfort of having my ass taken when I’m not ready for it would be an awful lot worse.
Still, I let out a heavy sigh as I stand, taking my time unzipping my jeans and pulling them down.
“Now, it’s important that you try to relax,” Nix informs me as he pushes me down until I’m bent over the table. I hear something squirting and know it’s the lube. At least they thought of this much. Not that I’m about to thank them, but it’s still better than hurting me.
“Okay, now. Breathe out.”
I do, but a moment later, the sense of almost unbearable pressure at my back door makes me tense up.
“Relax,” he reminds me, his voice low but firm. “This is a lot easier if you don’t tense up.” I almost want to ask how he would know, but I’m not sure I want the answer.
Finally, it’s in place, and it’s about the strangest feeling I’ve ever experienced. I’m so full and stretched. It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t feel great, either. “And you want me to wear this all day?”
“You’ll be fine; just take it easy. Get some rest or whatever for your situation.” Nix waves a hand over his lower abdomen while grimacing. They’re like a couple of cavemen, honestly.
All I have to do is make it up the stairs when it feels like this damn plug is going to fall out of my ass at any time. But it doesn’t, staying firmly in place as I crawl back into bed and curl into a ball, wishing I could go to sleep and wake up and have it be tomorrow already. That the whole nightmare in front of me would already be over, and I could move on.
* * *
It’s only a few hours before my door unlocks again. Instead of barging straight in, Colt eases the door open, peering at the bed like he’s expecting me to be asleep. As it turns out, I did drift off in the middle of the book I was reading, but I got up to use the bathroom.
And the moment I got out of bed, I remembered the plug in my ass. I actually managed to forget about it for a little bit. It was nice.
I did something else, too, and the effect is just starting to kick in. “I’m awake,” I tell him, and he opens the door wider before stepping inside.
Immediately, my gaze is drawn to what he’s holding in his hand. “You can’t be serious,” I whisper, my eyes bulging at yet another plug, this one thicker and longer than the one I’m wearing now.
“It’s for your own good. Just to make sure you’re ready.”
“That thing looks like it’s going to tear me apart,” I whisper, revolted at the sight of it.
He looks down at it, tilting his head to the side. “This thing is like half the size of my cock.”
And he’s right. “Please, don’t remind me,” I mutter in absolute misery. But even the misery isn’t as bad as it was before, thanks to that double dose of pills I took around twenty minutes ago. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. Nix keeps talking about wine to take the edge off, but I would much rather take my pills. At least I know nobody tampered with those.
“I can help you if you want.” Clearly, he’s not going to back down on this. I guess in the end, he’s trying to do it for me, so I can’t be mad. Instead, I roll to my side, facing away from him, then work my pants down all over my hips while he squirts lube on the new plug. This cannot be over quickly enough.
“Breathe out,” he tells me, and a moment later, I feel his fingers back there. He gently but firmly pulls the plug free, and I gasp in surprise as my nerve endings fire all at once. It’s not an unpleasant sensation, but there’s no way I could possibly enjoy it under the circumstances. Now that the plug is out, I feel… open. It’s so weird.
I flinch at the sensation of the cool lube touching my asshole. “I want to make sure this goes in easily,” he murmurs in explanation. “Now, just like before. Breathe out and relax.”
I close my eyes and do what he says, gripping a pillow tight. To my relief, it doesn’t hurt. The pills were a great idea.
“See? Nothing to it. And now you’ll be in better shape for tonight.” He goes into the bathroom and washes his hands, but to my surprise, he comes back to the bed rather than leaving me alone. Honestly, I’m not sure which I’d rather have him do right now. It isn’t exactly that I want to be alone all the time, but if the alternative is talking to him?
He doesn’t stop at sitting with me, either. No, he stretches out across the bed, lying beside me. “Do you want me to do it now?”