Page 13 of Forbidden Freedom
Matteo’s right behind me, urging me on with the occasional tap to my leg. I’m almost at the door, so I get up to run the last few feet.
Turns out that was the wrong thing to do, since something hits my side almost immediately. It feels like someone threw something at me, but I can’t be sure since I don’t stop to check. For a moment, I stumble, but Matteo’s strong hands are right there, keeping me upright once more, and we finally make it out into the night.
I gulp in fresh air, my lungs burning, and I stumble across the asphalt, going wherever Matteo leads me. With my hand firmly in his, we make our way to a black car. He tugs his keys out of his pants, unlocks it, and helps me into the passenger seat. The smell of leather and oranges takes away some of the horrible smell that’s assaulted my nose for the last ten or so minutes, and I welcome the change.
The car ride that follows is a bit of a blur. I don’t think it takes very long, but I can’t be sure. We drive into an underground garage, where several bulky men dressed in black from head to toe are waiting for us. Matteo hops out of the car and comes around to open my door, but instead of offering a hand, he just stares at me.
His face is a stone-cold mask, and I have no clue what’s going on behind his eyes. But he doesn’t look at all happy.
I unbuckle and turn to him. My poor heart is pounding behind my rib cage, and I feel dizzy and weak. It’s not as bad as it was when all hell broke loose at the bar, but I’m pretty sure I’m in shock. A bead of sweat runs down the nape of my neck, and the ringing in my ears is still ridiculously loud and annoying, even though I think I’m starting to hear a little better now that we’re away from all the noise.
Matteo’s chest rises and falls, and he finally unfreezes. He offers me his hand, and I take it, wincing as a searing pain shoots through my side the second he pulls me up. His brows furrow as he examines me, one hand holding me upright, while the other moves over my body.
When his hand comes off my body, it’s covered in red. He shouts something to the men at the same time the pain on my side turns to an excruciating level. Dark spots jump out of nowhere and blur my vision, followed by a wave of dizziness.
Then everything turns black.
* * *
I wakeup to low murmurs around me and my side throbbing like nobody’s business. The sensation of my body being torn in half is gone now, but it doesn’t necessarily feel much better.
I open my eyes to see a man next to me I’ve never seen before. He touches my side and pokes me with something, adding to the existing agony. I flinch and try to move away from him.
He grimaces. “Hey there, you’re back. Sorry about the poke. I thought you’d appreciate the local anesthetic before I get started on your wound.”
I close my eyes for a moment at the realization I can hear him. It still sounds like I’m underwater—with the ringing still there as well—but it’s so much better than before that I’ll take it.
My gaze settles on the man once more. His focus is on the side of my body he just poked. He’s handsome with more boyish looks than Matteo’s rugged ones, but with dark hair just like Matteo’s. He appears to be around the same age as Matteo, maybe in his early thirties?
He probably feels my stare on him and glances at me with his dark-blue eyes. “It’ll only take a few minutes until it’s all numb and we’re good to go.
I nod and clear my throat. “What—” I sound like a dying frog, so I try again. “What happened?”
“Teo, get her some water, will you?” He brings his gaze back to me. “All I know is that a bullet grazed your side, and that’s why I’m here. As for what happened to get you into this state, I have no clue. You’ll have to ask the big bad wolf about that.”
“The big bad wolf? Ugh.”
He chuckles at my reply.
A bullet grazed my side.
I got freaking shot.
My brain feels fuzzy, and I’m having a hard time putting all the puzzle pieces together of what went down at the club. It was all so fast.
On the other hand, my brain doesn’t have any issues remembering everything that happened with Matteo, no matter how much I try to pretend like the whole thing was only a figment of my imagination. Which is disconcerting, and I might need to see someone about that.
I’d also really like to forget everything that took place afterward with the engagement announcement of Matteo and . . . “Ally.”
“We’re trying to find her.” Matteo’s voice comes from somewhere close by, and I try to lift my head, but the other guy shakes his head at me and pushes me back down on the bed. At least I think it’s a bed.
“You need to lie down and stay down, please. I promise, as soon as I’m done with you, we’ll prop you up so you can drink, okay?”
A sigh slips past my lips, but I nod. What a mess.
I really should have stayed home tonight. I should have stood up to my father, like I’ve dreamt of doing so many times before. For so many reasons.
Matteo’s words register in my scrambled brain, just as he walks up on my other side.