Page 60 of Forbidden Freedom
That did sound a bit ridiculous, but only reinforced my previous idea of wanting to learn how to fight.
Another message from Ally pops up.
Ally: I really can’t wait to see you again. It’s been too long.
Me: I agree. You’d tell me if you needed to get out of there, right?
Ally: Absolutely. None of this is ideal, but I’m glad I got this time here.
That’s what I gathered from the way she talked, but it’s good to hear it anyway.
Me: It’s definitely complicated.
Ally: So much. It’s a constant battle to talk him out of starting a war between the families.
Me: Did you know he was going to get you?
Ally: Oh my gosh, no. It wasn’t supposed to happen the way it did either. Someone messed up, and he paid for it.
Me: And you didn’t know about the engagement to Matteo either?
Ally: Absolutely not. I still can’t believe my dad did that. There’s no way I’m going to marry that guy. Not in a million years, trust me.
Me: Okay.
Ally: Okay? Sounds like I’m not the only one who’s got some explaining to do.
Me: Maybe.
Ally: Well, well, how the times have changed. Catching up will be so much fun. But I’ve got to go now, Gem. I’ll try and contact you again when I can. Love you.
Me: Sounds good. Love you too. Take good care of yourself.
I exit out of my conversation with Ally and into the one I have with Luna, sending her a quick message.
Me: You’re in so much trouble. Sending sex toys with Ash? What if your brother sees them?
Her reply is almost instant.
Luna: Tell him you have needs.
My mouth opens and closes as I stare at her words. Maybe she’s on drugs.
Me: You’re crazy.
Luna: Maybe.
I laugh and type out one more message.
Me: But thank you for sending something for me. I really appreciate it. I love the books.
Luna: You’re so welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.
Smiling at the phone, I’m about to put it back in the drawer just as the screen lights up.
Luna: Also, please let me know if Matteo needs something. I’m not sure if he’s told you about the last few months, but I’ve been worried about him, we all have. Anything either one of you needs, just say the word.
Me: Sounds good. I’ll keep an eye out.