Page 81 of Forbidden Freedom
I swallow but do as he says, right as cold metal touches my collarbone, and my chest expands at the contact.
Matteo’s hands leave my skin, and I turn toward the mirror, grasping the small pendant between my fingers. My throat tightens as I inspect it and realize what it is: a small bird in a cage.
It takes several long breaths, and every ounce of self-control I can muster, to keep the tears at bay. This damn man. Why would he give me something like this?
Raising my eyes, I meet his gaze in the mirror. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.”
He studies me, putting his hands into his pockets. “It opens.”
I tilt my head in confusion. “What opens?”
“The cage. You can open the cage and let the bird out, set it free.”
“Sometimes we need a little help to be free from the bonds that hold us hostage.”
My eyes prick, the swell of emotion in my chest expanding so rapidly, I’m not sure how to contain it.
“Let’s go.” Matteo reaches for my hand and tugs on it, his fingers interlaced with mine.
We reach the bedroom door, and I halt, my thoughts clouded, and I jump into action before I can change my mind.
Raising up a finger, I say, “One second.”
Then I kick off my black heels and slip into my gold ones, right before I rush to the mirror to pick up the red lipstick that was calling to me earlier, but I decided I should go with the regular nude one anyway.
I’m back by Matteo’s side in a heartbeat, his curious gaze on me.
This time, it’s me who says, “Let’s go,” before I change my mind.
To everyone else, these small changes might seem peculiar or like nothing special, but to me, this is the bird edging closer to the cage door for the first time, which is exactly how I need to face my father and whatever surprise he has in store for me.
As soon as the driver pulls up at the back entrance of the restaurant, I’m ready to jump out of the car and bolt in the opposite direction. But I know we have to do this, that there’s no way I can avoid my father forever. And, this time, I’m not alone because Matteo is by my side. At least for the time being, which comforts me. He promised me this meeting would end with me going back home with him, and I believe him.
Matteo opens my door, holding out a hand to me. I inhale deeply one more time before taking it.
Once I’m next to him, he squeezes my hand once and drops it.
We meet four men at the door, all dressed in black suits, and after Matteo talks to them, they follow behind us. We make our way into the restaurant through the kitchen where some of the staff nods at Matteo and greets him, but most keep their heads down. My heels click on the tile floor, the rhythmic noise following us into the dining room, where my dad is already seated in one of the large corner booths.
I haven’t been in this restaurant before, but it’s charming with its typical red-and-white checkered tablecloths and a lot of rustic furniture. The exposed brick wall gives it a unique and almost homey feel that adds to the overall allure.
When I see who accompanied my dad, my steps briefly falter, enough for Matteo to reach out and steady me. I didn’t expect him to come by himself; he’s not stupid, but I’m still surprised. I expected my cousin, Frederico, to join him, since he’s deep in the family business, as well as two other cousins for protection and probably intimidation. Though I’m surprised to see my father’s best friend, Emilio Moretti, sitting opposite him.
He used to be at our house all the time, but I haven’t seen him since I was ten or so, and he moved to Italy to take over the family business overseas.
“Ah, la mia bellissima figlia.” My father’s voice booms through the room, and he gets up to open his arms.
The urge to run the other way presses heavily on my chest. I never minded it much when he called me his beautiful daughter in front of everyone, but for some reason, it encourages a little seed of irritation to grow inside the pit of my stomach today.
His gaze roams over me as I walk to him, and it’s impossible to miss the slight tightening of his eyes, or the way his smile almost turns into a grimace the instant he notices my shoes and lipstick.
It takes all of my willpower to keep the pleasant and demure smile on my face, whereas a full-blown grin is dying to take over.