Page 12 of Their Mafia Empire
“No. Brandon wants me to meet him at The Table. How can I do that? I can’t leave. Not with Crew out there. I can’t go to dinner. I can’t even eat.”
“Is that normal?” I asked.
“Do you meet Brandon at the Castilles’ restaurant regularly?”
“All the time,” she answered.
“Good. That’s good. You need to go.”
“And sit through dinner with them? Are you crazy? How do you expect me to do that?” Her voice squeaked.
“You’ll do it because it’s what Crew needs you to do. Nothing is wrong. Do you understand?” I didn’t know how to tell her without scaring her more than she already was. She had to go to this dinner.
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to steel herself. “How?” Her bright blue eyes opened, glistening with tears. “I’m supposed to sit there while the Castilles talk about their cut in the livestock business. While Brandon’s mother talks about what gaudy piece of art she wants to buy for her hideous gallery. And then listen to them make fun of my horses and the stables? Laugh about how moody I am now that I’m pregnant. I can’t. There’s no way.” Her hands had moved to her hips. “How can you ask me to do that? Answer me seriously.”
My brows furrowed. “If it meant saving Kennedy’s life, I’d do it.” I almost thought I heard my father’s voice passing over my lips. I’d never spoken to her like that.
“Then you should come with me,” she answered. “Help me through the dinner.”
“No. Someone has to be available for the call when it comes in.” I was holding on to the hope of a ransom call for Crew’s sake. My phone should have already rung by now. “Dinner with the Castilles isn’t time I can afford to be distracted. This is serious. You can handle dinner. I saw you at your wedding.”
“Please, Knight. I’ll never make it through dinner without cracking. I need you there. They will know right away that something isn’t right. I can’t hide how nervous I am. At least go for the main course and then you can come up with an excuse to leave. Please.” She tugged on my hand. “I don’t think I can go.”
The last thing I wanted to do was eat with the Castilles. I was worried for my sister. Worried she would endanger Crew by faltering. Kennedy was waiting for me at the cabin. I’d promised I’d be back soon. Shit. The timing couldn’t be worse.
“All right.” I relinquished. “Maybe it will give me a chance to ask questions. I can poke around. Is that where the family’s main offices are located?”
“Yes. It’s the headquarters for all of the restaurants.”
“Good. That’s good. At least it’s a starting point.” I saw the distrust in her eyes. “Don’t worry. All you need to do is eat dinner, smile at your husband, and don’t let your in-laws suspect anything is wrong.”
“I think I can do that if you’re there. But only if you go.”
I smiled at my sister. “I’ll get you through dinner,” I promised.
“And bring Crew back?”
“Yes.” I stepped backward. “What time do we need to be there?”
“Twenty minutes.” She winced.
“Damn. Doesn’t give me a lot of time. I have something to do. I’ll meet you at the car.”
“Thank you.”
I put my arm around her shoulder. “Grab your things. I’ll be right back.”
It was hard to believe this was the place Knight had deposited me. It looked like a one-room fishing or hunting cabin. The walls were paneled in cheap brown flimsy boards with a floor that matched. There was a kitchenette with chipped formica countertops and a dorm-size fridge.
When had the Corbans every had use for a house like this? My stomach rolled. I noticed the boarded windows. The extreme number of locks on the door.
This was one of their holding cells. It was also a hundred degrees in here.