Page 57 of Their Mafia Empire
“Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll sign.”
He grinned. “Welcome to BONO.”
I laughed. “Don’t you mean, I’m so happy to be at Martin Global?”
He chuckled. “Maybe we need a name change and some rebranding.”
I tipped my lips upward. I didn’t care about the name right now. His lips blistered mine and I kissed him like this was the first time, not the last and we had made it through to the other side of the darkness.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I exhaled. The dress was perfect. White. Silk. Delicate straps hugged my shoulders. The slip dress’s V-cut was deep enough to catch Knight’s attention. I wore my mother’s diamond earrings. I dabbed one more layer of mascara on my eyelashes. I didn’t have any more time. This was it for the last-second touchups. It wasn’t as if I could be late for this event. Everyone was waiting for me. They would be watching every step I took.
I shoved the makeup into the snakeskin pouch and zipped it quickly. God, I hoped I was ready for this.
I stepped into the Christian Louboutins I had bought to match the dress. They instantly added inches to my already tall frame. But Knight liked my legs in high heels. He would love all of this, I was sure of it.
I touched the pearl and diamond necklace at my neck.Carpe noctem. I smiled. It had never been more perfect or appropriate than wearing it tonight.
“Knock. Knock. You ready?” It was Seraphina.
I smiled at her. “I think so.”
She walked into the honeymoon suite. Baby Crew was on her hip. She was wearing a simple blue satin cocktail dress. Her hair was long and thick. Her eyes bright.
“Wow. Sexy much?” she teased.
I laughed. I dabbed Crew on his nose with the tip of my finger. He giggled. It was his new thing. We all loved it.
“I wanted to make a statement,” I explained, twirling in front of her.
“I think the statement has been made.” She bounced Crew on her hip. “I was sent to make sure you’re aren’t late.”
I sighed. “I told Knight I wouldn’t be late.”
“I’ll let you tell him.” She winked. “He’s in the hall.”
I exhaled. “This is it. I guess.”
She nodded. “It is.” She kissed me on the cheek.
“Thank you.” I brought her and the baby into a light hug. Ever since Crew was born, Seraphina had started to laugh again. She smiled every day. There were moments when we all believed she could live a full and happy life. In the six months since Crew’s death, she had grieved and welcomed their baby into the world. I admired how strong and resilient she was. Nothing was more important to her than their son.
I picked up the red beaded clutch and strolled to the door. My hips moved with the rhythm of my Italian shoes. I’d waited for this moment for so long.
I opened the door.
I almost lost my voice. My breath. He was gorgeous. Sexy.
Knight stood in the hallway in a fitted tux. He grinned the smile of the devil. I laughed.
“I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” I teased.
“I think we’re going to keep the crowd downstairs waiting. Holy shit, you look gorgeous.” He brushed a kiss on my neck. I shivered with goosebumps.