Page 22 of Purge
I’dlefthim to the mercy of the assholes who were there because ofme.
Tears prickled thecorners of my eyes. My legs shook as I pushed up and took a step toward the stairwell I’d climbed up like my life depended on it.
And froze.
My feet refused to move. Muted sounds filtered up the steep drop that led to the lower levels, and still I couldn’t move.
Not when the doorslammed, and the sounds were no longer muted.
Not when Rafe’s voice echoed throughout the club, full of rage, laced with fear.
Tears dripped down my cheeks while I stood there, unable to go to him.
Then arms wrapped around me,lifting me from where I stood, rooted to the dance floor, and took me into the darkness behind the bar.
James crouched in front of me. His mouth moved, but my ears filled with a not quite static buzzing sensation. His dark head of hair shot through with vibrant pinks and purples, he’d dressed for my party in all black, except for a mirrored pink tie that tucked into the front of his man-corset.
I took note of all the tiny details while my brain refused to process the important things I knew I should focuson, but couldn’t.
Hands patted me down as a face I didn’t recognize at first joined James, staring at me as his features became familiar once more.
“Lux. Girl, tell me what happened.” Rafe spoke kindly enough, though his voice was strained. I started asI heard him, the room returning in a cacophony of chaos.
“Where is he?” I shoved back the hands patting at me, staring into the dark green eyes in the face I barely recognized as belonging to my boss.
I didn’t recognize a face I’d seen every day for years, because something dark coated his skin.
Tiny splotches hit my ankles, warm liquid forming a bracelet around my Achilles heel. I didn’t dare look down in case my stomach followed my gaze.
“Killian. Is he okay? Where is he?” I pushed away from James and shoved my hands into Rafe’s chest hard enough to knock him on his ass.
He stared up at me from the bar floor, as surprised as me that I’d had the strength to send him sprawling.
“Little Bird.” A body eased down beside me, and everything silenced.
I swiveled to stare at Killian.
His back pressed to the bar fridge, he tilted his head against cool metal. Dark hair shot through with silver pushed away from his face, their light glitter reflected in the stubble that surrounded his jaw line. But my version of Killian ended there.
Dark patches decorated his usually clear skin. His face was covered in a plethora of tiny scratches. Purple and red flared on one side of his shoulders. Smaller bruises puffed out in various spots, but other than that, he appeared unharmed.
Hepressed a tissue to his nose and held my gaze, unflinching and unabashed.
But then, he hadn’t run away and left the person he adored most of all in the world to the mercy of men who had none.
Oh my God. I’m in love with him.
I blinked,unable to break his gaze while he stared back. Then I managed to scare the shit out of both of us when I launched myself at his chest.
“Whoa. Take it easy, Little Bird. Nothing permanent happened. I’m fine. See?” One arm wrapped around my waist, drawingme close. Killian held me against his mass of bumps and bruises and wiggled his fingers in front of my face.
I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. “I ran away from you. I didn’t help. I left you!” I came close to wailing and slammed my mouth shut before I confessed anything else critical and life changing. Or made a mad decision and bowed at his feet.
Mind, that last wasn’t such a bad idea.
I twisted in his arms, but he held me tight. Warm lips pressed to my forehead.