Page 76 of Triple Cross
The attorney wiggled his fingers while raising his hand dramatically. “Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she does. My client and I are sure, however, that our involvement is no longer needed. As I said, the police will take it from here.”
Bree studied him. “What about going toSixty Minutes?”
“What would be the point now? Whatever the truth is, it willcome out in court. And, seeing that, my client has decided it would be in her best interest to keep her family’s name out of it if possible.”
“Why’s that?”
Rainy’s practiced smile disappeared. “Because the loss of her grandchild’s life is enough pain. She doesn’t have to drag the girl’s memory through the mud if it isn’t necessary. Are we done, Ms. Stone? I have an appointment.”
“Just one more thing,” Bree said. “How did you come to hire Bluestone and why did you ask for me in particular to work the case?”
For the first time, the attorney looked the slightest bit flustered. “Did I?”
“According to Elena.”
“I don’t know. I must have seen Bluestone and then your bio.”
“We don’t post bios.”
“Google, then. I don’t know.”
“No outside referral?”
“No. Not that I recall.”
“Not even from your client?”
The practiced smile returned to Rainy’s lips. “I don’t remember it that way, and in any case, that information would be privileged. Good day, Ms. Stone. Have a nice flight home. And give my best to Elena.”
With that, the attorney pivoted again and strolled quickly off. She watched him until he’d rounded the corner and was out of sight.
For a moment, Bree thought of taking his advice and heading to the airport and a plane home. But given that she’d taken the time and spent the money to come all the way to Cleveland, she felt she should leave no stone unturned before her departure.
Hunting Valley, Ohio
THE RICH AREVERYdifferent from you and me,Bree thought when, through a glen of budding hardwood trees, she caught sight of a sprawling mansion on a grassy knoll. She drove past the gate and around the perimeter of the twelve-acre estate off the Chagrin River Road, glimpsing a tennis court and then a pool still covered for winter.
Her cell rang. Elena Martin.
“Boss,” Bree said.
“Explain why you are in Cleveland.”
“Gerald Rainy called you.”
“Uh-huh. And he was pissed.”
“Can’t help that, I’m afraid.”
“Bree, he pulled the plug on us yesterday. I told you that.”
“I know. After a mass murder that occurred after I wrote a report.”
Martin paused, then said, “Meaning what?”
“Meaning that until I understand exactly how I’m involved with a billionaire and a fashion icon and eleven dead people, I am still looking into this case. On my own dime and my own time.”