Page 32 of Sinister Games
This must be what it feels like to be adored.
Looking down, I could see the magnificent diamond sparkle from the pin. The bird had a long graceful neck and a gorgeous plume filled with blue sapphires. It was by far the most beautiful and expensive piece of jewelry I had ever been given.
Everything about this was a fairy tale and he was my Prince Charming. It was crazy to think he actually was royalty… or aristocracy… I wasn’t really sure how it worked. I was going to have to Google that later or better yet, maybe I could dig out some of my old romance novels and reread the Victorian ones where the dashing duke always rescued the poor governess.
Looking over the table at Richard, I took in his strong profile. With his dark wavy hair that was just slightly longer on top and his intense blue eyes, he really was quite the rakish romance hero, my very own Mr. Darcy.
The servers arrived placing the first course in front of us. It was a stunning plate, a large Scottish langoustine wrapped in cucumber and topped with caviar, all sitting on a pool of creamy lemon sauce.
Once again, Richard had ordered for the both of us and I was very pleased with his selection. He seemed to know just what I would like.
As we cut into the delicate and sweet flesh of the langoustine, I finally got a chance to ask the question that had been burning in my mind. “How did you find out my flat number?”
Sliding a bite off the edge of his fork with his teeth, Richard chewed carefully before responding. “It’s simple really. I sent a messenger with the dress and gave him extra money to bribe your doorman.”
That made sense. I still didn’t remember giving him my street address the night before, but obviously I must have if he dropped me off at home. Let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly coherent after that amazing orgasm he had given me.
The servers cleared away the first course and placed a second, equally fantastic dish in front of us both. Taking up my fork, I tried to poke a bit at the rectangular brown shape on the plate.
“Have you never had foie gras?”
“Duck liver?” I shook my head no.
Placing a small piece on his fork, he swiped it through the juniper berry sauce and lifted it to my lips. “Open your mouth.”
Keeping my gaze locked with his, I obeyed. To my surprise, the liver was buttery and smooth with just a hint of salt, which complemented the tang of the berry sauce.
I returned to my own plate, this time with more enthusiasm. Just as I lifted my fork, the plate slid out from beneath it. Looking up, I saw a smile teasing the corners of Richard’s mouth. “I find I like feeding my little bird.”
Bite by bite I let him feed me the decadent dish as we stayed nestled in our cocoon of light, the soft sounds of the dining room close yet seemingly far away.
The final course was fillet of turbot with leeks and grapefruit. Each dish was a little piece of art. What I especially loved was the portions were so delicate you could eat without feeling full or guilty for indulging in such rich French cuisine.
The headwaiter poured us each a glass of a Graham’s Vintage Port then discreetly left. As we waited for the final dessert course, Richard leaned over to grasp my hand.
“Would you like to play another game?”
Remembering the illicit details of his kinky game from last night, I clenched my thighs. Taking my panties off under a table when we were high above the dining room in our own private space with just thepossibilitythat someone might see was daring and fun. Taking them off when I could hear bits and pieces of the dinner conversation taking place at the table just on the other side of a thin fiber optic curtain was a different matter entirely.
Feeling the blush creep over my cheeks, I asked, “You’re not going to ask me to take off my panties again, are you?”
“We’ve already played that game. Let’s raise the stakes with this new one.” His voice had taken on the dark seduction of smoke whispering over whiskey.
Before I could respond, the waiter returned. He placed a platter of eight tiny meringue swans that looked to be floating on a bed of edible flowers on the table and quietly left.
“Those are so cute!”
He didn’t even look at the platter but rather kept his intense cobalt blue gaze on me. “The game has begun.”
Transfixed, I couldn’t take my gaze off him as he lifted one of the glass votive candle holders off the table and held the flickering flame up.
Strengthening his grip on my hand, he flipped my arm over onto the table, exposing the front of my wrist and forearm.