Page 7 of Sinister Games
“Call her a bitch one more time and see what happens.”
The stranger didn’t curse or yell. In fact, that ultimatum was delivered in a very calm and even tone and yet it sent a chill through my body. Somehow, I got the feeling when he used that voice, very few people dared to disobey him.
Eyes bulging, the cab driver’s hands curled into fists as he turned his full attention on the stranger; it was obvious he was getting ready to release his wrath on him instead of me.
Plastered close to his body, I could feel the stranger’s chest rise as his shoulders rolled back. The leg closest to mine shifted back, pressing almost between my legs. Peeking out from beneath his arms, my eyes pleaded with the cab driver to relent. Even I knew a fighting stance when I saw one, and there was very little chance of this cab driver surviving a punch from the powerful fist of this stranger, of that I was sure.
Almost as if he was a balloon that somebody popped, the cab driver’s whole body deflated. His head sank low as his shoulders rolled in. Flicking his gaze up, his mouth twisted into a grimace. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you, sir. Please accept my apologies.”
What. The. Hell?
“It’s quite all right.” Looking down at me, he raised an eyebrow as his lips thinned in what I realized, with shock, was anger. “She should have been more careful.” He turned back to the cab driver. “But you should not have been speeding.”
Looking like a deranged bobblehead toy, the cab driver shook his head. “No. No. You are quite right, sir. I was speeding. This was entirely my fault. Please accept my apologies.” The man raised both hands up in a supplicating gesture as he took several steps back. Then with a feral glance around him, he jumped into his cab and raced off as if the demons of hell were licking at his heels.
Twisting my shoulders, I stepped away from the stranger’s hold. The shock of almost being pancaked had started to wear off. I was now looking at him with clearer eyes.
He was dressed so elegantly, you would almost have thought he was an actor who just stepped off a period drama movie set. That certainly would have explained the almost impossibly good looks. Under his heavy overcoat, you could see a black wool morning coat; both fit perfectly over his wide shoulders and I absolutely loved the fact he was wearing a fawn-colored waistcoat with a navy hopsack tie over a white and light blue contrast collar shirt with cuffs. So debonair and fashionable. He even had a tie pin!
Seriously, who was this guy? What man in this day and age wore a waistcoat with a tie pin and cuff links? Even his pants were perfect. Instead of typical black wool suit pants to match the morning coat, which is what you would expect from just about any man on the planet, he wore gray wool trousers with a subtle check pattern with matching lines of navy and fawn.
My gaze scanned upward. He even had a buff-colored satin pocket square. It was almost too much perfection, especially for a fashionista like me!
“Darcy,” I breathed before slapping both hands over my stupid mouth. Did I really just say that out loud? Judging by the tilt of his lips and curve of his right eyebrow, I did.
“If I’m Darcy, that must make you Elizabeth.”
My eyebrows shot together. “How did you know my name?”
His head fell back as he laughed. It sounded rich and masculine. The type of laughter you’d expect from titans of business as they sat around a poker table playing cards and smoking cigars. That full-bodied “I own the world and it amuses me” kind of laughter.
It was then I realized my mistake; if possible, my cheeks flamed hotter.
“Of course, Elizabeth, duh.” Nervously fiddling with the strap of my purse, I glanced up through my eyelashes, expecting a look of pity. That “gee, it’s a shame you’re pretty but way too dumb for someone as obviously sophisticated as me” look.
Mr. Darcy reached out and gently pushed a section of my hair over my shoulder before stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re adorable.” His eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as their icy blue depths warmed to the color of dark sapphires.
I love you!
Just kidding.
No, I’m not.
As I stared up at him wondering what our children would look like, my body gave an involuntary shiver. I wasn’t sure if it was from the shock or the cold rain finally creeping in, but I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to think of something witty to say that might impress him.
Darcy took a step back and shrugged out of his overcoat. Flexing his arms, he swung its weight to settle heavily onto my shoulders.
I protested, “Oh, no. Please don’t! You’ll get your suit wet!”
Taking a step closer, he grabbed the lapels and pulled them close over my chest, sheltering me inside a cocoon of sandalwood-scented warmth. Through the wool, I could feel the press of his knuckles against the swell of my breasts. I had to clench my thighs to stop the pleasant ripple that went straight through my core.
“You are far more important,” he remarked before his voice took on a gentle scolding tone. “Although I should punish you for not wearing a coat or carrying an umbrella in this weather.”
A vision of him undoing his belt and telling me to prepare for my spanking caused another delicious ripple of arousal between my legs. It was all I could do not to breathe out, yes, Daddy, like a chastised little girl.