Page 88 of Sinister Games
The estate hummed with energy and activity. Richard led me down the servants’ hidden staircase until we reached the conservatory. The guests had been kept to the main hall and ballroom for the first part of the party.
While I was getting ready, the servants had decorated the conservatory with small twinkling lights. They glowed like winking fireflies among the foliage. Walking past the orange trees, red dahlias, and pale pink camellias, I spared only a glance for the stained glass windows depicting Eve’s downfall in the Garden of Eden. Their brilliant jewel tones were muted without the bright light of the sun.
As we neared the center, I realized my cage had been decorated as well. Strings of lights lined the bars. Gone was my plush cushion nest but the black velvet swing remained. The polished wood floor was now a thick piece of clear glass.
Richard took my hand and guided me through the door. It closed with a decisive click. Pulling out the brass key from his tuxedo breast pocket, he locked me in.
“Hold on,” he said.
Taking a few steps back, he brushed aside some thick glossy leaves to expose a small pulley machine. When he turned the machine on, the cage began to rock and sway. With a cry, I lunged for the bars. With each turn of the pulley machine’s wheel, the cage crept higher and higher into the air.
The machine stopped when the cage was about four feet up.
I realized, with a start, anyone could peek under the cage and see up my dress.
“Get on your perch, my pretty bird. My staff will be allowing the guests in soon.”
Whimpering as the cage swayed with each shift of my weight, I held onto one bar with my left hand and reached for the swing with my right. Awkwardly turning, I tried to hop onto the swing while still keeping my grip on the bar. Once I was seated, I was forced to let go.
I screamed as the swing lurched from one side to the other, pitching the cage wildly.
After several pendulum loops, the swing finally settled.
Richard stepped up to the cage. “Now remember to be a good little bird.”
“Yes, Richard.”
“I would hate to have to punish you in front of all of these guests by baring your ass and forcing your feathered tail into your tight little hole. To be wearing a dress is a privilege. Please don’t forget it.”
I swallowed, knowing full well he was capable of doing just that, regardless of who would witness my humiliation. “I won’t,” I choked out.
Calming my pounding heart, I closed my eyes. This was a test.
Just a test. He wants to see if you’ll behave and be good. It’s just part of his game. After tonight he’ll tire of this one and start a new game. A new fresh hell to endure in order to stay by his side.
* * *
The guests were delightedwith Richard’s entertainment for the evening. My cage was high enough to prevent anyone from being able to grab at me through the bars, although many of the men tried, but not high enough to prevent people from taunting me. All night long, they tossed pieces of canapés onto the cage floor, asking if the birdie wanted to eat. They also kept asking me to sing or talk.
Keeping silent, I swayed on my swing and allowed them all to become a colorful swirl of colors and noise.
With all the additional people, the conservatory became even hotter. The stench of liquor, bodies, and perfume making the air feel thick and heavy.
Soon, the atmosphere turned sinister.
The laughter became too forced, too high-pitched. Guests became unsteady on their feet as they pitched into one another, spilling drinks onto the marble floor. Men took off their tuxedo jackets. Forgotten masks were crushed beneath spiked high heels. Dresses started to fall off shoulders, exposing naked breasts.
In vain, I searched the crowd for Richard. I had only caught a few glimpses of his caped form in the crowd throughout the night. As usual, he was surrounded by admirers and interlopers.
Swinging my head in the direction of a scream, I saw a man had pinned a woman down over the back of an iron bench. Her white ass was on display as he pulled down his pants and began to fuck her from behind.