Page 2 of Jealous Wife
It took them a while to start playing again but, when they did, Ava stared at them intently. Rollo was a naturally flirty man. It was who he was, all the way down to his very core. This usually didn’t bother Ava. It felt nice to have an attractive husband. It was a source of pride for Ava, knowing that her husband was in high demand whileshewas the one he chose. Even so, there was something different about the girl Rollo was splashing around with. Ava felt threatened. She was young, too young for Rollo, and her body was stunning.
Rollo clamped his hands on the girl’s waist. Ava’s whole body tensed. She watched helplessly as he lifted the girl into the air, her legs kicking out, before throwing her down. A tidal wave began to roll through the entire pool. When she surfaced, gasping and laughing and splashing at Rollo, Ava felt a heavy pang of jealousy rip through her. Bitterness began to eat her up from the inside as a voice whispered deep within the depths of her mind.
He likes her,it said.He wants her. He wants to take her, right there in the pool for everyone to see.
Ava couldn’t continue watching them. Her stomach was twisting into uncomfortable knots as the voice in her head grew louder. She closed her eyes and tried to relax into the lounger.
Rollo’s seed had been momentarily forgotten. Now Ava could feel it soaking into her bikini bottoms.
She picked up the magazines. It would have been best for her if she’d tried to forget about the sight of her husband with another girl. Distracting herself from the wet, soggy feeling between her thighs would be good, too. Her eyes drifted down to the pages of the magazine, skimming the articles there.
Time seemed to slip and slide. The sun moved through the sky, dipping lower and lower, casting growing shadows on the ground and pool. Families started to depart for the afternoon, drawing Ava’s attention. It was only then that she noticed that the temperature had dropped noticeably. Goosebumps were breaking out all over her skin.
She let her eyes drift across the pool, searching for her husband’s face. He wasn’t there. Ava lurched up in the lounge chair, nervously glancing around at all the faces she could see. Panic ran through her body as her mind started to race. Neither the girl or her husband were anywhere. Her heart pounded in her chest as the knot crept back into her stomach.
They’ve gone to make out,she thought.
It was the only thing that seemed rational in her panicked state. Ava grabbed the sarong from the floor. As she stood from the lounge chair, she wrapped the thin, floaty material around her waist and tied the ends together. She grabbed her purse, slung it over her shoulder, and stormed away from the pool.
Every inch of her body told her that this was the day that Rollo had finally chosen to cheat on her. To Ava, it didn’t matter that he’d always politely declined all previous advances. The only thing running through her mind was the fact that he was off hiding with some barely clothed girl. They knew she was watching and so they’d decided to go somewhere private, hidden away from her prying eyes.
Ava’s sandals whispered against the stone path leading up to the hotel. Her right hand was clutched onto her purse straps, hanging onto it as if her life depended on it.
Up ahead, she could see the small set of steps that lead up to the outside sitting area that was complete with glass tables, wicker chairs, and huge umbrellas. Ava stared at all the faces there, in turn, searching for Rollo’s wide jaw and unkempt eyebrows.
He wasn’t there, though. Neither was the girl. Ava stormed on, heading around the side of the hotel toward a small building standing on its own. Trees and bushes surrounded it, almost hiding it.
They’d discovered the room on their first night here, searching for somewhere to romp. To their dismay, they'd discovered that it was a recreation room with plenty of people inside enjoying the amenities. There was a ping pong table, old arcade games, and dozens of board games along with tables and chairs to relax in.
To Ava, coming on vacation to sit in a dark room to only play board games seemed ridiculous. To Rollo, it was a hidden gem. Every chance he could, he’d dashed into that room and spent hours in there. Ava knew that was where he would be, if anywhere.
As she approached the small building, she heard a high-pitched giggle pulse through the door. Ava’s whole body went cold. Her fingers and toes went numb. Her mind raced with images of her husband placing gentle kisses over the girl’s shoulders. For a moment she was frozen in fear, listening to the sound of the girl’s laughter. It was a high, sing-songy sound that chilled Ava down to the bones.
Confidence finally came to her, strong enough to force her feet to move forward. There was a small window in the door. Ava walked up to it and peeked inside.
Immediately, she saw Rollo, his side facing her. A small paddle was in his hand, swinging it back and forth through the air.
Ava imagined him using that paddle to smack the girl’s bum, turning it bright red in only a couple of hard swats. He would have her bent over the table, her bare bottom on display for the whole world to see. Rollo could have put his mouth around her lower lips, licking her from behind between hits.
The mirage vanished. Rollo was just standing in front of a green table, fully clothed. The girl was on the other side of the table, fully clothed as well… Well, still in her bikini, at least.
They were playing table tennis. And, by the looks of Rollo’s pained expression, she was beating him well and good. Ava could feel her pulse between her legs, throbbing in excitement.
Before either of them spotted her, Ava backed away from the door. Heat flushed into her cheeks, no doubt turning her skin to a bright shade of pink. Ava’s palm climbed up to her forehead, grabbing it as she shook her head from side to side.
How could I be so stupid?She thought.Rollo would never betray me like that.
A beast of a man like Rollo was always going to be the center of attention, with his deep silky voice and penetrating, seductive eyes. That didn’t mean that he would entertain the idea of cheating. He’d never given her a single reason to believe that he would ever cheat. Honesty might as well have been his middle name. They shared everything.
Ava walked away from the building, feeling like an idiot. Too weighed down with shame to walk quickly, she meandered along the stone path that led back to the pool.
Bushes and flowers were planted along either side, blowing in the warm breeze. Ava could smell the salt in the air, along with the chlorine from the pool. Light scents of cooking meat filtered down to her from the hotel’s kitchen nearby. Birds tweeted above her in the trees, making the branches rustle as they jumped from branch to branch.
The world was so quiet here. Usually, it was a good thing for her to get some peace, but now it was allowing Ava too much room to think. She kept replaying her choices in her head, trying to work out what on earth she’d been thinking. Rollo would never do that to her, not in a million years. She must have lost her mind to think anything like that.
Ava found herself back at the steps, leading up to the hotel. She could see couples sitting on the chairs, whispering in each other’s ears and stroking each other’s hands. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that those couples were there on their honeymoon. They were so in love, so attentive to one another, and so very young.