Page 12 of Demanding Husband
Vince walked toward her, his cock swinging from side to side. Claire couldn’t help but stare at it, wanting so badly to touch it. Vince leaned over her and grabbed his clothes, clearly not wanting to touch her. Claire couldn’t take it though. The teasing, his cock right there, so grabbable. She reached out and touched him, a gentle caress on the soft skin of his shaft.
Vince paused then turned toward her. “That’s not a good idea,” he said. “We’re just having dinner tonight.”
Claire slipped off the edge of the bed and sank to her knees, positioning her mouth right below Vince’s cock. “Please, Daddy,” she begged. “Let me taste you.”
He didn’t need to reply to show how he felt. His cock began to grow, the head of it brushing against Claire’s chin. It tickled, causing her to laugh. Without asking him, she opened her mouth and let her tongue brush against the tip, tasting his skin.
Vince spun around and grabbed her by her upper arms. He dragged her up from the floor then tossed her onto the bed. Before she could even blink, Vince had climbed on top of her and was pressing his body against hers. His warm breath misted on her cheeks.
“We’re having dinner tonight,” he snapped. “That’s it.”
“Fuck me, Daddy,” Claire whispered. She could see the passion in his eyes, the longing. Craning her head up, she planted a kiss on his lips.
He relaxed into her then kissed her back, shoving his tongue deep into her throat as his hands wandered up and down her body, grabbing fistfuls of her breasts and ass. Claire moaned as she continued to kiss him, urging him on, begging him to take off her clothes and take her right there on his marital bed.
“Please, Daddy,” she whispered into his mouth. “Please, Daddy, use me.”
Something inside Vince caused him to stop. He suddenly sprung off her and began to pace around the bedroom, his rock-hard pillar stiff in the air. He gnawed on his bottom lip as he thought about everything.
“Daddy,” Claire whined.
“Stop,” Vince snapped. “Just stop. We’re having dinner. Nothing more.”
Claire knew he desperately wanted her. His hardness was proof of that. All she needed was to worm her way inside their marriage, to convince him that this was all he wanted, needed. Lorelei had practically begged her to fuck him. She had been near tears when she’d asked. Claire didn’t want to disappoint. She had been tasked with a job and she was going to do it.
Even so, she could tell that now wasn’t the time. For whatever reason, he needed to think about it and talk it through with his stupid wife. Though it was his wife’s idea, that was none of her business.
Feeling sulky, Claire left Vince alone and went back downstairs. Lorelei was waiting for her at the bottom, wringing her wrinkled old hands as she stared up.
“Nothing happened,” Claire said bitterly. “Don’t worry.” She went to the couch and sat, bringing her knees up to her chest. She wanted to eat so they could get the evening over with.
Dinner was more than awkward. Claire sat at the table, pushing her food around on her plate. Lorelei was doing the same, staring down at her food without eating it. Vince sat in the middle of them, glancing between them with worried eyes.
Claire pushed her plate away. Sitting across from Vince’s wife wasn’t a pleasant experience and she just didn’t feel comfortable eating in front of her.
When Vince finished his food, Lorelei whisked away the plates. The uneasy silence filled the room, mingling with the sound of sloshing water and the clatter of china.
“Come on,” Vince muttered, holding his hand out for Claire to take.
Without thinking, she took it quickly and let him lead her out into the spacious garden. Claire looked around, watching the pool glisten and the trees swaying in the gentle breeze. It still felt strange to her being there legally. It felt like only yesterday she’d climbed over the tree and jumped into the pool.
Vince brought her into the center of the garden. Behind them were the huge sliding glass doors into the kitchen. Claire could feel Lorelei staring at her through the glass. It was like her eyes were burning a hole into the back of her neck. She wanted to move away from the windows, but any time she tried, Vince pulled her right back to the same spot.
“We’re going to have to take this slow,” he said, his voice purring. “This is new territory for us.”
Claire looked up at him. She pouted her lips and made her eyes wide and dreamy.
“My wife,” Vince started, “she’s the most important person in my world. You will always come second to her. I need you to understand that, be okay with that.”
The words cut through Claire, right down to her soul. Of course, she knew this was how it had to be, but hearing him say it so harshly was a shock to her system. She could feel herself reeling, losing her balance and almost stumbling away from him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, trying to be gentle, “but that’s the way it is—the way it always will be.”
Tears filled Claire’s eyes as she tried to compose herself. They blurred her vision and stung her eyes, refusing to leave. She inhaled deeply through her nose, trying to get rid of the tears, but they kept on coming.
“Claire,” Vince whispered.