Page 18 of Demanding Husband
Claire stayed silent as he entered her depths, but her hands did a lot of talking for her: her nails raked up and down his back.
By the time Vince was balls deep, Claire was shivering. When he slowly pulled out, struggling to control his own breathing, Claire started to shake violently beneath him.
“Oh, God,” she cried. “Oh, God, it feels so big!”
Vince planted a couple of kisses along her shoulder as he continued to withdraw, leaving just the tip inside. Then, he slammed into her until their hips ground together. Claire shrieked out as she clutched his back, wrapping her trembling legs around his waist.
“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, Daddy, yes!”
Vince could barely control himself. When his cock was embedded into her, he lifted his chest off her and got onto his knees, holding onto her hips and lifting her up off the bed. From there, he could see where their bodies met, with her ass cheeks just below. It was a stunning sight. He gripped her hips tightly and took a couple of steadying breaths. Once he was ready, he began to fuck her hard and fast, holding onto her so hard that her skin turned white beneath his fingers.
Claire screamed out. The realization hit him all over again: he was fucking Claire’s tight, teenage snatch. All of her muscles were clenched around him so hard he could barely stand it. It only took another fifteen thrusts for him to edge closer to orgasm. His whole body tightened as his cock pulsed. He felt it coming—the tightness in his balls, the butterflies in his stomach.
He withdrew, not wanting to finish inside her. Breathless, he looked down to the sight of his shaft covered in Claire’s juices.
Finally,finally, he’d fucked her. It was everything he’d dreamed of and more. Her tight, perfect cunny was too good for words, and he would get to enjoy it as much as he wanted.
Vince let go of Claire’s hips and let her body slump down to the bed. Vince knelt there for a moment, looking at the sight of her hairless lips. Though he’d just fucked her senseless, he wanted to shove himself back inside and continue screwing her until he was red and raw. We have plenty of time, Vince reminded himself. I can fuck her later.
He collapsed beside her, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe. As he looked over to Claire, he saw that she was in a similar state. Her cheeks were flushed red, her eyes wild, and her whole body was covered in a light film of sweat.
He stayed there, staring up to the canopy above, feeling a sense of pure happiness wash over him. There was nothing else in the world he needed—this blissfulness was more than enough for him.
He reached across the bed and took Claire’s hand in his.
Chapter eleven
A walk in the park
Gettingbacktonormallife felt like the worst thing in the world. Being away with Vince was like a fairy tale. Not only had she been whisked away by her dreamboat of a Daddy, but he had taken her virginity on the first night. After that, they’d barely left the hotel room. They had spent time exploring each other’s bodies: touching, tasting, pleasuring. Coming back to the real world after that was painful.
Now, Claire had to go back to school, to her normal life, where she’d have to endure the drudgery. It was hard to accept, even harder to live.
Claire knew that the trip had changed her. She had lost her virginity and had become a woman. As far as she could tell, high school was now beneath her. She’d bagged a rich, older man and she didn’t see why she would have to bother with school anymore. Going back to school felt like punishment. She knew what life was about now, what all those people in magazines and films meant when they talked about sex and love. Why did she need anything other than Vince?
Every time she thought about the trip, hot and cold shivers went up and down her spine. It was thrilling just thinking about it, remembering everything they got up to on that beach. The way his mouth tasted, the way his tongue slipped over her skin, between her legs, between her lower lips …
Claire’s imagination ran wild, taking her back to the short vacation. When she opened her eyes, she could barely see clearly. The green trees and bushes all around her were blurred, the leaves fuzzy as they waved in the breeze. She blinked a couple of times, trying to clear her vision, as she stared around at the park in front of her.
Disappointment washed over her. It wasn’t the hot, humid jungle. The leaves weren’t nearly as bright or lush. Back home, the world felt dull, almost like living in a monochrome void.
A couple of young children were playing on the swings, squealing as they rocked back and forth, their legs flying high into the air. Claire couldn’t help but watch them, mere blurs of color flying by her eyes. Families were all around her, living their lives. Claire kept watching them as she waited for her own Daddy to arrive, wondering who they were and what kind of lives they lived.
If anyone looked at me, would they know what life I live, Claire wondered.
She looked down at herself, sitting on the bench on the sidelines of the park. She was wearing another pleated skirt, but this one was a deep shade of gray, almost black. It dropped down to the middle of her thighs, making it a little precarious when she bent over. She wore a tank top instead of her usual blouse—it was too hot for all that cotton and all those buttons. The stretchy fabric clung to her perky breasts, making them stand out from her slim body. She’d tied her hair up into a bun on the top of her head, trying to keep it away from her neck so she could stay cool.
Claire waited for him as patiently as she could. They’d agreed to meet near her school—it was just down the road—so her mother wouldn’t get suspicious. Them going away together had been risky enough and now her mother was watching Claire carefully. She knew something was going on. So, they had to be careful, more careful than they ever had been. Claire didn’t want to upset her mother, but she also didn’t want to be told how to live her life. It was hers to live as she saw fit and this was what she wanted—no, what she needed.
In the distance, she saw a tall figure walking toward her. It was Vince, her Daddy. He lumbered toward her, his tall frame towering over everyone else there. A couple of the women turned as he passed by, ogling him. Claire wasn’t sure what to think about that. It made her jealous, because he could have any of those women if he wanted, but it also made her proud. He could have literally anyone he wanted, and he chose her.
Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she watched him approach. He was wearing a white shirt with an orange tie loosened around his neck. His jacket was gone but he still wore his matching suit pants, neatly pressed with a crease down the middle. He rushed to her and put his hands out, aiming for her waist. Without warning, he grabbed her and lifted her into the air. Claire squealed, just like the children on the swings, as he hoisted her onto his shoulder. Faces stared at them as they traipsed through the park but Claire didn’t care.
Let them look, she thought, grinning. They’re just jealous, anyway.
Vince carried her off into the distance, not saying a word as his shoulder dug into her stomach. Claire was helpless in his grip, watching as the park vanished behind them. He was taking her into the depths of the bushes. Lifting his feet, he stepped through the thicket, struggling to keep his pants from getting snagged on sharp sticks and twigs.
“Daddy,” Claire spoke in a hushed voice, “where are you taking me?”