Page 2 of Demanding Husband
On the walls were huge prints of skyscrapers, estates, and grand manors. Claire knew each one was his. She’d spent hours studying his work. It was only right that the walls of his home were dedicated to his long and wonderful career. He was a visionary, a beautiful human with an even more beautiful mind.
The home’s first floor wasn’t what she was interested in though. What she was interested in was the unseen; the things she didn’t already know.
Slowly, she climbed the staircase, her heart hammering in her chest with anticipation. Everything else was dissolving—falling into the pool, cracking her phone, being drenched in yucky chlorine water. None of it mattered anymore. At the top, a wide hallway led like a T through the second floor. The white walls were dotted with closed doors. She opened them in quick succession as she trailed the hallway, trying to find the master bedroom.
As soon as Claire opened the door at the very end, she knew she’d found her goldmine. In the middle of the large room, the biggest bed she’d ever seen sat before a wall of tall windows covered with sheer curtains, muting the sunlight that came through. It was topped with ivory-white, silk covers. A faux fur rug was trapped beneath the legs, flowing out toward the edges of the room.
To her right were two doors, both of them open. One led into their huge walk-in closet, and the other to the pristine, white bathroom. Claire gulped as she looked at everything around her, stunned at how beautiful their home was. But of course it was beautiful, Vince designed it.
She walked to the closet, still feeling her shoes wet and uncomfortable beneath her feet. On the right-hand side were all of Vince’s suits and stunning clothes. To the left was Lorelei’s. Claire tried to ignore the left side as much as possible, trying to control her pangs of intense jealousy. She grabbed one of Vince’s shirts and held it out at arm’s length, nodding at it slowly. This will do, she thought.
She carried it out into the bedroom and felt her stomach tie itself into a large, throbbing knot.
This was it. This was what she’d been waiting for. All these weeks of planning and preparation, all coming to life right now.
Claire searched around for Vince’s cologne. When she found the delicate glass jar perched on top of a dresser, she sprayed it all over herself and all over the shirt she’d stolen from the closet. She slipped the shirt on over her clothes then yanked off her sopping wet skirt, letting it slap onto the floor.
In the bathroom, she hoisted herself on the edge of the garden tub and brought up one of her feet. She lifted Vince’s shirt, shoving the material between her chin and chest, revealing her naked body beneath.
A small triangle of hair was at the top of her slit. Claire let her fingers run through the hair as she inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the aroma of Vince. She was already soaking wet, and it wasn’t from the pool water. It was because she was here, wearing Vince’s clothes, in Vince’s bathroom. She was going to live out her fantasy just as she’d imagined.
Claire rubbed her fingers between into her wetness, covering them in her juices, before gently trailing her fingers back up to her nub. Now lubricated, it was time to begin.
She rubbed slowly at first, biting down on her bottom lip as her body responded to her gentle touches, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more.
She rubbed more furiously, circling her fingers around her swollen bean with pressure. She began to sweat. Throwing her head back and closing her eyes, she was enjoying the thrilling sensations that washed through her, tickled her, and titillated her.
Her mind ran wild imagining Vince coming home, spotting her, and ramming himself deep inside of her. Claire’s heart thudded so hard against her ribs it felt like it might burst out of her chest. Her mouth dropped open and moans poured out of her.
As her carnal ecstasy climbed, escalated, she cried out as her whole body shuddered. She pretended Vince was with her, eating her out and pushing his fingers into her warm, wet depths. “Yes, Daddy,” she howled, unable to control her voice anymore. “Yes, Daddy. Take me.”
Every muscle tensed as she edged closer to the peak.
“Enjoying yourself?” It was a familiar voice.
Claire froze in place. Her eyes went wide, heat covered her face and neck, and her breathing ceased. Then, ever so slowly, she lifted her head.
Oh my god. It’s Vince.
Chapter two
Don't toy with me
Slick,wetsoundscamethrough the phone. Vince listened, sitting on the edge of the bed with the phone wedged between his ear and his shoulder. He unbuttoned his shirt sleeves, struggling to grab the little buttons with his thick fingers.
Lorelei continued with the sloshing sounds. He didn’t have to ask what she was doing—he suffered through that sound every damn day. She was applying lotion to her legs, arms, her whole body. Always slathering herself in that thick, flowery stuff, trying to keep her skin soft and supple. It was already soft and supple to Vince. But he knew that if he tried to tell her that, he’d get an earful about how he didn’t know what he was talking about. It was easier for him to keep his mouth shut and tolerate the horrible sounds as best as he could.
Thinking about her lotioning herself up led Vince to another place in his mind: the sight of her beautiful, toned legs glistening, practically begging to be touched. Just thinking about it drove Vince wild with lust. His heart started beating erratically and he started to sweat.
She was gone, though, and he wouldn’t get to see her for another couple of days. He had to get himself under control, otherwise, he would be miserable until Lorelei’s return. His mind was determined to fight against him though. Imagining her, no doubt wrapped in a little towel that covered her body from just under her arms to the tops of her thighs, her foot propped up on the edge of the tub.
The sound of his wife’s breaths brought him back to the real world. It had only been a couple of days and already Vince missed the way her breaths misted against his skin, sending shivers up and down his spine.
She’d be home soon, he assured himself. Lorelei had to pick up some clothes from whatever boutiques in Italy she needed to go to, then she’d be on a plane back as soon as she was done. Vince closed his eyes as he thought about the credit card bill that would come next month. It was going to be painful. He could feel it.
“How was your day?” Lorelei asked.
“Fine.” Vince released his wrist from the blue shirt sleeve and began working on the other wrist. “Kind of weird.”