Page 58 of Demanding Husband
“Now,” he sighed, trying to take a deep breath, “we’re all going in there. We’re going to split up and try to find Lorelei.”
Paige scoffed. “Why the hell am I being dragged into this?”
Vince stared at her, the vein pulsing harder. “I’m sorry,” he said curtly. “Who was it that needed help out of a bad situation? And who was it that tricked me into fucking someone I didn’t agree to?”
Paige looked away from him, down to the footwell. Her arms stayed folded across her chest tightly she squirmed in the seat. Vince wouldn’t stop staring at her pointedly, focusing his eyes on her face, refusing to blink.
Claire didn’t know if she was ever going to be able forgive her friend. She’d concocted this whole plan so she could try and steal Vince away from her. It was unthinkable. All she’d wanted to do was help her friend. And this is how she repays me …
“Fine,” Paige snapped finally. “I’ll do it.”
“I wasn’t asking,” Vince replied. “You’re doing this whether you like it or not.” His eyes moved to Claire.
She could feel the weight of his gaze on her, making it hard to breathe.
“You are to stick together and not make a scene,” Vince said coldly. “Do you understand?”
Claire gulped. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good,” he said. “Me and Dino will find a way to get to the people in charge here while you two try to find Lorelei.” He paused for a moment and turned in his seat to face the windscreen. “Don’t get caught. Who knows what they’re doing in there.”
Claire didn’t like seeing him so out of it. His emotions kept bouncing from one extreme to the next and there was nothing she could do to help him.
Aside from finding his wife.
She grabbed the door handle and opened the door then eased herself outside. The cool air brushed against her bare legs, causing her to glance down to her outfit. A crop top and booty shorts—no wonder Claire was feeling the cold. She was still dressed for Thailand.
On the other side of the car, Paige was removing herself from the warmth as well. Claire eyed her friend suspiciously. She didn’t trust her, didn’t even want to stand next to her, but she had no other choice.
They looked at each other with unfamiliarity. Claire didn’t know how they were going to move forward. Everything was a mess. How the hell was she supposed to navigate any of this?
“Come on,” Paige grumbled. “Let’s go.”
They walked to the elevator, tucked away in a little cement box away from all the parked cars. They waited for it in silence. They got inside in silence. They rode the elevator all the way down to the ground floor in silence.
When the doors dinged open, they stepped out onto the street, unsure of where to go. In the distance, Claire could see the very top of the pink building. “Over there.” She pointed.
“Christ,” Paige said, “is that a …”
“Yep,” Claire said, starting to walk down the street. “It’s a vagina.”
Paige slowed as she stared at the building, tilting her head to the side and squinting.
“Come on,” Claire moaned. “We don’t have time for this.”
“I can’t see it,” Paige mumbled. “Are you sure it’s a vagina?”
“Yes. Come on, hurry up.”
They rushed down the street until they were right outside the large glass doors. The glass was frosted and had been coated in a light layer of paint. Claire gawked at the sight of the building in front of her, unable to understand how something so ugly managed to be built. She knew her Daddy would never build something so garish and out of place.
They opened the door and stepped inside. Immediately they were hit with wafts of warm, slightly damp air. Claire grimaced as she felt the moisture cling to her skin.
The inside of the room was dark, only slivers of light managed to creep inside. The floor was painted a deep black while the walls were all pink. In the middle of the room was a desk and behind it were several doors.
Claire stared at the doors, trying to figure out which one they needed.
A throng of people huddled and buzzed inside; women in lab coats with their hair tied back away from their faces. The receptionist looked swamped, struggling to scan all the cards to check everyone in.