Page 23 of Explicit Demands
When Kate got elbowed and shoved out of the way by some brown-haired bimbo with massive fake tits, she knew it was time to find something else to do. She took a detour away from the market and found herself on a strip. There were a couple of small grocery stores, along with bookstores and clothing boutiques.
Kate had no idea that such a quaint, honest place was so close to the tourist traps. She kept on walking down the quiet road as she tried to find a small place she’d be able to stop and grab something to eat.
Before she knew it, Kate had wandered completely away from the tourist areas and found herself amongst the locals. Although she was a little worried about finding her way back to the hotel, she tried to enjoy herself as she took in the sights.
Kate rounded a corner, trying to make her way back to the hotel when she ran into a hard body. She felt herself falling backward as her arms swung out at her sides. The man’s hands clamped down on her arms and anchored her to the floor.
When she looked up, she was shocked to see Gerard looking down at her. He instantly withdrew his hands and the corners of his lips curled down into disgust.
“What is your problem?” Kate blurted.
She couldn’t have stopped the words, even if she’d tried. They just rolled right out of her mouth. Gerard’s eyes widened as he looked down at her, frowning.
“Well?” Kate asked, not quite as forceful as before. “What’s your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem,” Gerard said quietly. “You’re the one with the problem, lady.”
Kate sighed and put her hands on her hips. She hadn’t approached this well, but the shock of running into him had caused her mouth to run. If she hadn’t been taken by surprise, she might have been able to form her words a little better. It hadn’t worked out that way, though.
“Clearly not,” Kate snapped. “You and your little friends couldn’t have run out of there quick enough when you saw me. You scared?”
The way Gerard backed away told her that he was afraid. Whatever she’d done in their hotel room, it had clearly frightened him to his very core. Kate wanted to pity him but she couldn’t bring herself to.
If he couldn’t handle her, it was his problem, not hers. He was the one who wanted to sleep with her, he was the one who wanted to spend the night with her.
“No one is scared,” Gerard said.
Kate could have sworn she heard him whimper. She wasn’t going to stand around and listen to his bullshit. She rolled her eyes and stormed past him, mutteringwhatever.
Gerard wasn’t going to let her get away that easily, though. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around before she could get away. Suddenly she was in his arms, staring up at him. His blue eyes bored into hers, intense and bright.
“No one is scared,” he said. “I’ll make love to you again to prove it.”
Kate tried to remove herself from his grip but he wouldn’t let go. Sighing, Kate placed her arms on his shoulders as she spoke.
“You don’t want to do this,” Kate said. “You didn’t enjoy our time together and that’s fine. Some men can’t handle me. It’s a fact. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Gerard bristled at that. “I’m not scared,” he stated. “I’m not ashamed. I’ll make love to you. Tonight. Eight. My hotel room. Room seven-five-one.”
Kate tried to make herself look as sincere as possible. “You don’t have to do this,” she said softly.
“Don’t tell me anything,” Gerard said, raising his voice. “I’ll do what I want.”
Then he let go of Kate, almost throwing her away from him, and turned on his heels to storm away. Kate wanted to rush after him, to try and comfort him and tell him that he didn’t need to do this, but she knew it would fall on deaf ears.
Despite his reservations, Kate was looking forward to the evening. Gerard wasn’t a good match for her, but his cock was fantastic. She considered telling him that he should be a penis model so women around the world could enjoy his gift, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t be receptive to that.
What a shame, Kate thought as she strutted down the street.I’d love to have my own copy of his cock. All the fun I could have…
Before she turned the corner, heading back to the market so she could find her way back to the hotel, she looked behind her. She could see Gerard storming down the street. His shoulders were hunched over and his fists were clenched.
Kate knew that whatever was going on inside his head wasn’t good, but that was none of her concern. He was a big boy and he knew what he was doing. She’d given him an out and he’d refused. There was nothing else to do but look forward to her evening of string-free sex.
Later that night, Kate was dressed in a silk cocktail dress, standing outside Gerard’s door. She leaned on the door frame and held her fist up to the door, waiting for a moment before knocking.
She glanced down to herself, where her legs were on show through the slits on either side of her dress, and let her eyes drift down her skin all the way to her toes. Glittery white shoes were wrapped around her feet, forcing her to stand on the tips of her toes.
Even though they were uncomfortable, she knew they made her legs and ass look incredible. That was all that mattered because those shoes would be on the floor soon.