Page 34 of The Wedding Dare
“Sounds good. I’ll start working on the golf footage from this morning and the clambake from last night. You got some good stuff with the different guests. Also can we use Toby Osborn’s song and the footage of Nick and...the other dude singing?”
“I have Abby working on that. She’s talking to licensing—we might have to just use license-free music. We should know before tomorrow. Just go ahead and edit it as if we can use the songs for now.”
“I will.”
Joe left and Quinn went over to the love seat and checked the lighting with her camera guy before Nick came in. His hair was tousled, as if he’d been running his hands through it, and that wasn’t something he normally did. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I guess you heard that Logan is my twin,” he said without preamble. “I don’t want to discuss that right now. I think we can just say that I found out who my biological dad was and it hasn’t changed the way I feel about Adler. Will that be okay?”
“Yes. Honestly, Nick, whatever you want to say will be fine. And we can cut it out if you don’t like it. I just think that it might be nice for you two to be able to control the narrative here.”
“Me too,” he said. “It would be so nice to control something at this point. I swear, if one more secret about my birth comes to light, I’m not going to be able to handle it.”
“Yes, you will,” Adler said as she came into the room. She was dressed in a jumpsuit that was slim-fitting on top and then flared out into palazzo trousers. She had her hair pulled back in a low chignon with tendrils framing her heart-shaped face. She looked beautiful and composed, but her eyes betrayed her and her lips trembled a little when she tried to smile.
Nick nodded and then just pulled her into his arms. Quinn turned away to give them privacy but also looked over at her camera man to make sure he was filming. This was the kind of moment their viewers loved. Those little behind-the-scenes intimacies between the bride and groom.
Nick cleared his throat and Quinn turned back around, smiling. “I think we’re ready.”
They both had their microphones on and took their seats. Quinn would be off camera asking questions to lead the interview and direct them so they stayed on topic.
“No wedding goes to plan, and yours has had a few bumps. Do you want to discuss that?”
Adler smiled and this time she exuded confidence as she held on to Nick’s hand. “Well, Nick always knew that Tad Williams wasn’t his biological father, but we just found out that he’s the son of business tycoon August Bisset. My aunt is married to August, so it was a bit of shock all around.”
“It was surprising, but it changes nothing between me and my parents. I’m still the man I always was and I think you still like me, right?” Nick looked down at Adler and smiled. It was a sweet moment.
“Yeah, I do,” she said.
“Can’t wait until you say that tomorrow,” Nick said.
“Me neither,” Adler responded.
“Tell us some of the ways that you’re incorporating family into your ceremony,” Quinn said, happy that they had at least addressed the scandal and then moved past it.
“Adler’s dad wrote a song for us that he’ll be performing at dinner after the ceremony and, actually, last night I got to duet with him at the bonfire,” Nick said.
“Yes. Dad’s music will be a big part of the ceremony and my mom wrote a song about me before she died that my dad’s girlfriend is going to perform at the ceremony,” Adler added.
Adler was really touched that Toby’s girlfriend, Sonia, had offered to perform it. It was going to be a nice way to honor the memory of Adler’s mom as part of the ceremony.
Quinn asked them a few more questions and as they talked she couldn’t help but look for signs that Logan and Nick were twins. But it was hard to see it on the surface. Obviously they both looked very different. Logan was blond and a few inches shorter than Nick. But they both had that square jaw, like August, and they both were men who went after what they wanted.
It was easy for Quinn to see how much Nick wanted Adler, how much he loved her. And her mind drifted to Logan. Did he see her that way?
Adler thought Nick had handled himself really well during the interview. But that had just been the two of them. Now that she was at the rehearsal with all of the people responsible for the scandals that kept dropping she was having a moment where she wanted to throw a massive bridezilla fit or just sit in a corner and cry. She was so ready for this weekend to be over—something she’d never thought she’d feel about her wedding.
Her aunt Jules had tried to call her, but Adler had shut her down. She couldn’t deal with any of the Bisset family right now. Mari had left a voicemail saying she was there if she needed to talk, but Adler didn’t think raging at her cousin about how her parents were the worst people on the planet was going to really help.
Iris wasn’t too happy about having the fact that she’d paid Zac to be her date revealed to the world, but her friend had found her peace with it. Adler wished she could likewise find peace with the revelations about Nick. But she knew part of her was looking at Nick differently now.
He was her touchstone. Her safety net. The love of her life. But now he was different. He might have said in the interview that nothing had changed, but it had. He wasn’t speaking to his mom, which only added to the tension of the rehearsal. And for her part, Adler was ignoring Aunt Jules.
“Hey,” Quinn said, pulling her aside. “I get that you’re mad at Juliette, but I need some kind of footage where you aren’t glaring at her or Nick’s mom. I think it might be better if we just have you and Nick and maybe your dad and the bridal party for the filming. I know how difficult this is for you—”
“Do you?” Adler snapped. “My dream wedding has turned into one crazy-ass scandal after another and I’m supposed to smile and act like nothing has happened.”
“I know it’s hard. I’m sorry. But I have to film this. And I want to do it in a way that you’ll be happy with,” Quinn said, turning away. “Take a few minutes while we set up for some different angles and then we can try again.”