Page 22 of Ruthless Fae King
“You’re arrogant for someone so out of control.” Cyrene stopped in front of me, far too close for comfort. I tried to back away, but I couldn’t move. Either the fear, or her power, paralyzed me.
“I’m not out of control,” I snapped.
“No, you’re right. You’re in control…mycontrol.” She laughed, and the sound was painful yet again.
“I’m not your servant anymore,” I hissed. “I don’t want this life, and there’s nothing stopping me from walking away now!”
“Oh, Erol,” Cyrene said, and in her eyes, I saw pity.
I hated it, I hated to be treated like I couldn’t take care of myself, and someone had to feel sorry for me.
“It’s this naiveté that I’ve always found so attractive about you. Your power is irresistible, it’s why I had to have you. Your childlike wonder is an added bonus.”
What in the seven realms of hell was she talking about?
Her words rang in my ears. What did she mean when she said she had to have me?
“How do you think Falx and Lavinia found out about you and your power in the first place? Falx was a nasty piece of work, but nothing he did was original. It all came from me.”
I stared at the Goddess, my jaw dropping open. How could I not have known there was more to it than just mercilessness? I’d always thought Falx had been treated so badly as a child, he’d taken it out on the people around him and allowed the darkness to change who he was. If he’d just been an agent all this time…
“You’re not going anywhere,” Cyrene said simply. “Are we clear?”
“You can’t control me!” I screamed. My voice was loud, echoing around us in the pure darkness.
“Can’t I?” Cyrene laughed. “Your mother and sister are still alive, thanks to me.”
“What?” I cried out, fear strangling me anew. “You can’t—!”
“I can, and I will. If you don’t stick with the program, I’m taking them away from you. I won’t make it pretty, either. A clean death sounds like something Terra would do, and that’s not my style.” She sniffed. “I have better taste than she does.”
I shook my head, confused, paralyzed by fear and hopelessness.
I’d thought now that Falx was gone, my family was safe, and I could finally breathe easier. I’d thought they were out of danger.
If I wanted to turn toward the light, I would lose them for good. If I stayed in the darkness, I would lose all of Palgia and the chance to make things right and be a better man.
No matter what I did, I would lose.
“A king always has tough decisions to make,” Cyrene said.
“Get out of my head,” I snapped.
“You just need to decide what you’re willing to lose,” she added, as if I’d said nothing.
“Go away!”
She pursed her lips together as if dejected. “Fine. I’ll go…for now.”
Just like that, she vanished.
I looked around frantically, but I was alone in the room. She really was gone.
My brow was slick with sweat, and my throat was raw, like I’d screamed for years.
I sank back against the pillows, my body numb. I would never get away from this hell, would I? I’d thought I was free, but I was more of a prisoner now than I’d ever been.
At least, back then, I’d known I had nothing. A man with nothing had nothing to lose. Over the past year, since the war, I’d started to find beauty in the world. I’d seen myself as a man who could have things.