Page 9 of The Last Field Party
Looking around the small flower beds, which needed some love, a peaceful silence surrounding me, I felt content.
However, I was going to be hungry soon, and there was no food in this house. It was time for a trip to the grocery store, and I needed to face my parents and pack mythings before this evening. Tonight, I intended to sleep in my house. Smiling, I went to get the two sets of keys and my purse from the kitchen counter where I had left them.
It had taken less time than I expected to deal with my parents, as they were thrilled I had taken the job in Lawton. My moving into my own place hadn’t been that dramatic at all. Papa had even loaded some of the boxes I wanted to go ahead and take tonight into the back of my car. I was inside the grocery part of the Stop and Shop in less than an hour’s time.
Momma had gone back to the kitchen to start dinner, Teresa was working at the register on the other side of the shop, where people just came in to pay for gas and not to get groceries. Two newer employees I didn’t know were working in the grocery section. I pushed my small cart down the aisles and placed the items I needed inside, feeling more excitement as I thought about my day.
“I heard there’s a new history teacher in town.” Asa’s voice broke into my thoughts, and my head swung from studying the coffee creamer to meet his curious gaze. Even after a day like today, when all had been right in my world, he still managed to affect me. Life couldn’t be completely fair, I guess. It would mess up the balance of things.
“You heard correctly,” I replied, smiling up at him.Which was easy enough. Seeing him made me want to smile.
He glanced at my shopping cart, and a small frown creased his forehead. “Didn’t know the Shop and Stop did grocery delivery these days,” he said when he looked back at me.
Confused it took me a moment to figure out what he was talking about. Then I realized he thought I was working and these items were for someone else. I laughed. “Momma has always done delivery for those who need it. However, that is not what this is,” I replied. Feeling a rush of pride, I beamed at my items. “These are my groceries. I not only have a new job in Lawton; I also have my own house,” I told him.
His eyes widened at that announcement, and that made me smile even harder. “Your own place, here in Lawton,” he repeated as if he was having trouble comprehending it. I knew coming back to this town and making a life was not something he ever wanted to do. He had bigger plans, and I was sure much better offers out there. But I wanted to be here. This was home.
“Lawton is home to me,” I told him simply.
He nodded as if he understood, but I knew he didn’t. “I’m happy for you, Ezmita.”
There was no question that he meant that. The sincerity in his eyes was clear. “Thank you.”
He looked like he was going to say something more, possibly a good-bye, but he gave me a crooked grin. “So, where’s your new place?”
“It’s almost out of town. A small yellow cottage,” I told him.
“Mrs. Potts’s place. I know it. She was my fourth-grade teacher,” he replied then. “That’s a great house.”
Of course he would know it. He was Asa Griffith; he knew everyone in Lawton, Alabama.
“Yeah, it is,” I agreed.
We stood there a moment, and I wondered if I should say more or if there was any more to say. Finally Asa sighed and gave me one last smile. “Well, I guess I need to get what I came in here for and head out before Nash starts calling, asking where I am,” Asa said.
I nodded.
“Congratulations on the job and the house,” he told me.
“Thank you,” I replied, then watched him turn and walk away. There had been so many times over the past five years I had wondered what my life would be like now if I had taken a chance with Asa. Even if I had given a long-distance relationship a chance. Would we have made it? As if the universe was reading my mind, a tall, leggy, gorgeous blonde called out Asa’s name and rushed over to him tothrow her arms around his neck and began talking to him as if they were the best of friends.
Thanks, Universe. Sometimes a girl just needs reminding.
The gang was all here, yet I stood outside on the back porch with a beer in my hand looking into the darkness. I had managed to focus on what was being said inside for almost an hour, and I needed a moment to myself to let my conversation with Ezmita sink in. It wasn’t like I hadn’t known she had taken the job as a history teacher. Nash had told me earlier today.
For some reason, hearing she’d gotten a house made it seem more final. She was really going to move back here and live. Her life was going to be in Lawton. Which led me to face the fact that Ezmita Ramos living in Lawton did affect my decision. I didn’t want it to, but it was going to, and I could feel it.
“Are you hiding or out here thinking about the new history teacher?” Nash asked, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Nash had joined me on the porch. I hadn’t even heard him open the back door.
“Neither. Both,” I replied.
He laughed and walked over to sit down on one of the chairs beside me. “Hell, at least sit down if you’re gonna sit out here and ponder shit,” Nash said and waved a hand at the chair beside him.
I decided he was right and sat down beside him.