Page 51 of The Joy of Us
"Just like that." I lean up on one elbow as I use my other hand to grip a handful of her hair. "Let's come together, baby."
Fallon's sweet moans linger in the air as we race to the finish line. I could spend days being inside her like this.
"Fuck, you’re so tight."
"I can't believe I'm about to..."
I tug on her hair just as the buildup between us takes over. When a shock of pleasure shoots through me, I groan. Fallon stiffens, and I know she's there, so I finally give myself permission to follow. I come with so much goddamn intensity that I swear I stop breathing for a solid minute.
"Holy shit." She rolls off my legs and collapses on the bed. "I'm numb."
Chuckling, I reach for her to lie next to me instead.
"I think you meant to say something else."
With an eye-roll and a smirk, she says, "Five."
"And you took all of them like the badass you are." I lean over and press my lips to hers. "I'm going to shower. Do you want to join me?"
"I don't think I can."
I laugh, dragging up the crumpled blankets from the foot of the bed to cover her. "I'll bring you some water. Be right back."
After I pull on some sweats, I head downstairs and grab two bottles of water. My limbs are tight and sore as fuck already, but it was one thousand percent worth it.
The truth is, I've never had someone like Fallon.
She may not realize it, but she givesmea run for my money. Though I'm the one who sought out to give her five orgasms, I've actually never done that before.
It was a first for me, too.
When I return, my bed's surprisingly empty.
"In the bathroom, hold on."
As soon as she reappears, I immediately recognize what she's wearing and am tempted as hell to rub my hands all over her again.
"Nice shirt." Grinning, I hand her one of the bottles, then gaze down my favorite heather-gray work shirt with our Christmas tree farm logo.
"Hope you don't mind. I'm not a fan of walking around naked like you." Her teasing tone has me breaking out into a smile.
"Really? ’Cause I'd be a big fan of you doing just that." Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her into my body, then inhale her skin’s sweet smell.
"I bet you would be. Just like how you're a big fan ofsnuggling."
"Speaking of, are you gonna play your little game tonight of pretending to sleep in your bed before sneaking into mine and claiming it's because you'reso cold? Don't get me wrong, I like this little back-and-forth, but I love it even more when you're next to me."
She playfully smacks my chest. "It's not my fault your furnace doesn't work."
"Yeah, what a bummer," I tease dryly.
" it even broken? Didyoupretend it was to get me into your bed?" She steps back, folding her arms over her chest as if she thinks she's onto something.
I pull her in closer. "No, I'm not that clever."
She gives me a side-eye. "I want to agree with you on that one, but I'm still suspicious."